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About Mark2575

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  1. Amazing work. Great job. Impressive. Most impressive Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Amazing job. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Wow. Truly amazing work Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Wow. Great photos. I would not believe it was a resin blaster
  5. Brother, that E-11 is simply amazing. If I saw only the finished photos I would think it was an original or an extremely high quality replica. Excellent work. I hope mine turns out half as good as yours.
  6. Paint looks amazing! Can't wait to see it finished
  7. Wow. I am impressed with your work. Truly amazing
  8. The new rail looks very good. Keep up the work. I am on a three week business trip so my DoopyDoo is just sitting in a box at home getting no love. My mind is now racing with what I can do to the "weapon"
  9. I like the ear buds. Be nice if it would "click" to each position
  10. The penny should tarnish over time
  11. Looks amazing. Can't wait to see it finished
  12. This is phenomenal! Can't wait to see it painted. Mine is on a three week break due to a business trip.
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