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About themaninthesuitcase

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    Detachment Leader

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    Herts, UK


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    UK Garrison
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  1. I am currently looking at your profile in the admin screen. I can only see logons for iPhone Safari, and Window Firefox, Do you have this issue on both browsers? I have also changed, saved, and then reset a couple of values in case some of the config we do is causing this, but at this point my guess is still something off forum. We can't but you can create a new one. Only issue is that may cause issues with syncing with the legion so we'd have to merge the old account into the new one or delete it so you only have 1 account set up.
  2. A set of snap pliers was a a great investment in my build. I used these: https://amzn.to/3TheQDK I also used 15mm Prym Camping snaps https://amzn.to/3TgvLGD though I found a supplier who sold bulk boxes of 50, and I used about half of them. Having plent meant I didn't skimp and also had a couple to practice with.
  3. Congratulations Trooper. Look forward to seeing you at Centurion by the sounds of things!
  4. Check out this video by one of our members on how to prep 3d Prints
  5. I had a 1st gen Anovos but ended up rebuilding it on to a new fabric belt, so you can check out my build thread linked in my signature to see how I did it.
  6. Face plate looks great. Take care with the armour to make sure it remains in proportion to your self and also the reference. On some of the files the proportions aren't quite right in places so keep an eye out for that.
  7. Hi, There isn't anything I can see wrong. Make sure you logon using your email not user name. I would also try clearing your cache, and also making sure you are using an up to date browser. Are you using any plugins or add blockers at all? Failing that try a different browser and see if the problem follows.
  8. @Nicocrank Updated @Redjone Updated @Tk Gino Updated @Tx51391 You have already access @toxication You have already access @nickobelenus Updated @Alon Updated @SirSundown Please provide the required link per the instructions. @Alex a. That is the legion forum profile, we need your legion profile. Please see the instructions in the 1st post. I think that's everyone up to date, if you've been missed please let us know.
  9. Using this reference you might want make the front black gap slightly more triangular and less parallel if you can but otherwise this is far closer than the previous one.
  10. Welcome to the FISD. Make sure you check what you're buying before you do, it can be an expensive mistake!
  11. Welcome to the forum, check the links out above, take your time and you'll be ready to troop before you know!
  12. Congratulations Brian on a truly amazing number of troops!
  13. Troop #27 - 20 July 2024 - RAF Henlow Summer Ball Bit of a fun location for this one, an active RAF base. Being a secure site we had to get the blasters inspected which was taken a bit more seriously than at a convention! We were looked after very well getting a the sports pavilion to our selves for changing. The Ball was great, lots of people in No1 uniform, gowns and tux's having a great time. We did the usual patrolling of the event for photo opportunities. There was one attendee who joined when the sterling was still the the active service weapon and seeing us using them took him back. After initially showing him them up close we let have have a hold of one for a photo and he was impressed how accurate they were. Sadly the base is supposed to be closing, but I am hearing conflicting info from other sources so hopefully we will get another opportunity next year. TK-63827 - Mark Mulcaster DS-19777 - Karen Angel TK-10911 - Chris Pearson
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