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  1. I know there has been some issues with Anovos shins being inconstantly numbered, and I can see Troopermaster and Ukswrath are still hashing things out. Here's my shins, how they were numbered when I got them, and where they should be according to Anovos construction guide. Seems like mine have been misnumbered. How do I need to assemble them?
  2. It looks way smaller and nothing like a neck seal until you unfold it. Looks like a roll of velcro.
  3. It would be hard to be worse than Rubies armor.
  4. There have been several threads on PVC vs ABS, and the general consensus was PVC is better in most ways provided the PVC is thick enough, and based on the updated FAQ, Anovos is going with thicker PVC where it counts.
  5. PVC should actually be a step up in many ways. Less prone to yellowing, glossier, more flexible. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/23424-abs-or-pvc/
  6. Certainly looks better there than the previous photos.
  7. The guy who made the CP helmet on the RPF site used Rub N Buff to get a semi reflective surface.
  8. JJ has certainly gotten the look and feel right. Let's just hope the script is good.
  9. http://www.makexyz.com/ lets you find local people with a 3D printer who can print stuff for you.
  10. That'll be awesome! Thanks for doing that.
  11. For reference from a local shop that also does a decent amount of business online, electroplating a plastic oil cap runs about $30. A motorcycle front fender around $270. Now imagine all the pieces in that suit. ----------------- The other options I'm aware of for ABS are Vacuum Metalizing, which usually require you run a large batch to make them affordable (this is how most plastic products you buy that come with a chrome finish are done), or one of the better chrome paints, but they'll give you more of a brushed finish than mirror.
  12. They also had a very short window to get the build done, and limited point of reference, adding to the difficulty of getting a proper fitting build. I believe Anovos is also still tweaking the design for the GA version. Also, adding to the confusion, apparently there were different sized helmets used during production, and the one Anovos got is the larger of them. (Accoding to a post by them on the RPF)
  13. Great work. Will you be either releasing the files so others can print, or offering printed versions for sale?
  14. Hard to tell, but looks to me more like foil tape. For those wanting to build this, I can't imagine how much money you're going to have to spend getting a proper chrome finish. Not something you can spray out of a can.
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