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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About Atom661

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    Bakersfield, CA

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    Southern California Garrison

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  1. Personally, I taped everything off after trimming to keep from getting the dip on unwanted areas. As for trimming after, you might be able to with a REALLY SHARP blade. The Plasti Dip is very elasticy and makes it a little hard to cut. Industrial Velcro sticks VERY well to the plasti Dip and could/will pull the Palsti Dip away like fuumantroop said.
  2. I have to agree with the earlier mentioned post about the battery. I had the same issue a month or so ago, I emailed in asking about the situation and that was the 1st suggestion, to replace the battery. Ordered it and bingo, works awesome again! Best of luck.
  3. I ordered one on 4/15/15 because of everyone's great reviews... Out of curiosity I messaged them asking when to expect delivery. I received a message back saying that they were actually "out of stock" and they will fulfill my order early next week (4/27). Can't wait to try this out!!! Thanks for all the information everyone!
  4. TK 97432 Requesting 501st access. http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=18355&costumeID=124
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