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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About magni

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    Coventry, R.I.


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    New England Garrison

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  1. I ordered one of his E-11 blasters. The expensive one almost a year ago. Minus a few weeks. I've been patient also but come on. He responds slowly and with the BS story of supplies and it's coming. I'm glad I saw this post and sadly am not alone. He makes it so you can't post on his FB sales page to warn people don't order from him. There's no excuse for his behavior. He knows he's lying. I know he's lying. I would recommend a warning here on any thing related to him in the sales area. Till he gets straight members here should be warned. I'm out almost $1000 USD Be warned
  2. Congrats on your first Troop Great job on your armor You'll always remember your first.
  3. Always can use more HWT's Good luck with your build
  4. Looking Killer Andy!
  5. You can still sign up and join an event as a wrangler. No need to have a costume. But you'll probably want one after you see all the fun we have. No pressure Future Trooper
  6. Come sign up with the NEG 501neg.com
  7. Welcome Ken! I'm from the biggest little state in the Union myself. Good Luck with your blaster build. Sadly I'm no help for that. But there's plenty here who can help.
  8. Getting there
  9. Those cuts will be fine as marked.
  10. Welcome to the FISD
  11. That's part of the build figuring out what works. A bit of trial and a bunch of errors to the end. I'm having a build day this weekend. I posted on our local forums. If interested even though you're doing great so far. Keep it up Future Trooper
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