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Everything posted by justjoseph63

  1. A lot of it depends on what you are looking to use the armor for, Ian. If you are looking for a high quality kit from a reputable vendor, which can be made "screen accurate" and eventually join the 501st, you will need to visit this area: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/11538-the-various-types-of-armor-and-where-to-find-them/ Will it be inexpensive? Probably not. I believe there are kits from about the $650.00 range (and up). Take into account there are also other things you will need. such as a blaster, under suit, boots, gloves, neck seal, and building supplies. The good news is that once completed and approved, you will be able to use the armor year-round, and join a great group of folks trooping at various events with the 501st, putting smiles on literally thousands of faces. There are dozens of great build threads here to help you along the way, and we are always here to be of any assistance. On the other hand, if you are simply looking for an economical set of armor to wear on rare occasions, I would look online. Hope this helps!
  2. Just wanted to post a few pics of our latest troop here in sunny central FL. Even though the temperature hovered just below 80, the wind provided some relief. (It's tough living in the sunshine state sometimes). We had a fantastic turnout, and the range of characters was amazing! There were Jawas, and Tuskens, and rebels, (oh my)! Speaking of which, our special guest was Bill Holmes, the LCO for the Rebel Legion. The creativity of our members is incredible, and it certainly showed! Of course Lord Vader made an appearance, and the Emperor himself took over Santa's job in the sleigh. We have won the parades' "Best Walking Group" award for the last few years and I think we got it nailed again! A very happy holiday season to all!
  3. Congrats on starting your build, Tim! Have you kept in touch with your Garrison? I am sure there is at least one member there who would be willing to help you out with the fitting, and many hold "armor parties" which are designed just for this reason. Big Brown Box day can be terrifying, but don't let it get the best of you. Just take your time, (this isn't a race), and remember the wise adage to "measure 3 times, cut once". When in doubt, cut less, you can always remove more as needed.
  4. Good on ya', Scott! I can't think of anyone who deserves this more, and thanks for the update, Q!
  5. The ingenuity of our members never ceases to amaze me... Hope you guys had a blast, and thanks for sharing!!
  6. Hi JD... I have some early Christmas presents for you! I have a spare AM 2.0 chest plate (with straps) and back plate that I can let you have. I think when you said "indent lines" that you meant the return edges, or slight inward curves found around the rim. These need to stay in place in many areas, including the bottom of the chest. Looks as if the back was cut way too narrow next to the OII plate as well. The 2 pieces I have are correctly trimmed, and got me to basic level, but I replaced them for Centurion. There may be a few slight scratches, but otherwise they are in really good condition, and the only thing I ask is that you pay for postage. Let me know via PM if I can help.
  7. I assure you that AP is a great set of armor, Connor. Believe me, if it wasn't, it would certainly not be on the vetted sellers' list! You can always opt for the "ready to wear" kit, but with all the tutorials available here you can order the trimmed set and be confidant that you can do it yourself, and save some money in the process. (We are here to help). You will not only get a better understanding of how it is put together, which will make it easier if you need repairs or modifications in the future, but feel proud of a job well done!
  8. You saucy devil....
  9. Some great advice from pattrooper and Snaps there, Justin. Better to take your time, as you can always remove more if you need to. I would invest in a roll of 1 1/2 inch blue painters' tape for test fitting at each step, and then you can decide if more needs to come off. I would also think about starting a build thread, that way you can post photos if you should have any questions about fitting. Don't worry, we are here to help!
  10. Welcome, Brandon! Some great information from Taylor there.. Like he mentioned, the armor you are looking at on that site will definitely not meet 501st standards. I know a lot of people are getting SW fever, rushing out to purchase kits/pre-built suits, and then finding out that they can only wear them a few times, or maybe only at Halloween. However, if you purchase one from the carefully selected "vetted" armorers listed here, (chosen for their authenticity, quality, and reputation), you can join the 501st, and use it all year! (Our Squad alone does over 200 appearances per year). All those listed are either based here here in the states, or can ship them to you. Most are sold in kit form, so you would need to put it together yourself, but there are hundreds of tutorials and people here to help you out in any way we can. The main advantage to the kit is that you know that your armor will be "custom tailored" to you, and fit perfectly. Many Garrisons/Squads hold "armor parties" to help new folks with getting everything together, but like I said, you are always welcome to ask here. All the best in your TK journey!
  11. I agree with Brad, Chris. It looks as if your thigh ammo pack could be a bit more level, and probably should come up to cover the ridge on the bottom of the thigh. A little E-6000 can remedy this, but be sure to blue tape off the surrounding areas, as I'm sure you know how runny it can be! Doing this should also help it from catching on your calf armor. And, like Pete mentioned, the shoulder bells could use a little shortening. It looks to me as if the right shoulder bell in the "action shot" is really sticking out. On a side note, I must say that I really admire your attitude in regards to getting things right! You have done a fantastic job on your build, (and it shows), and with a few tweaks you will be ready not only for EIB, but Centurion!
  12. Looks like you folks had a blast! (Awesome Christmas card)!
  13. If I could make a small recommendation, Adam, it would be to finish removing the last of the return edges on your butt plate and cod area and give them a really good sanding. They still looks a bit raised, and will more than likely either chafe the heck out you or wear holes in your under suit. (They are not required at any level). If you need some of the 1/4 inch white elastic, just PM me and I'll send you some no charge. Build is coming along great!
  14. You did it, Jose! Great job on the fix, and welcome to the Centurion ranks, sir!
  15. REALLY nice, clean build, Chris, and that is one outstanding paint job! Well done, sir.. should be an easy pass!
  16. Way to go, Scott! Congratulations and welcome to the 501st, sir!
  17. Awesome build, Chema! I noticed the left drop box as well. It looks like it is on the outside of your ammo belt and overlapping your holster in the "left arm raised" photo, and way too far inside in the "drop box back" photo. Great job on the paint!
  18. Great ingenuity and attention to detail, Jeff! I made my ammo belt removable as well so I could switch out from TK (clean) to HWT (battle scars). I applied several coats of Scotchguard to my TK belt, and it cleans up really well.
  19. Looks like you are pretty much there, Jim. At this point I would just sand down the edges a bit to smooth out the burrs, especially around the area opposite the pencil. Nice paint job on the frown!
  20. Looking great, Scott, and hopefully you will be aiming for EIB and then Centurion! When you work on the drop boxes this weekend are you able to get the outside edges to line up with the edge of the ammo belt? The height is perfect! Also, do you have snaps on the inside of the canvas belt to connect to your ab plate? The first photo shows it at the ideal level, (just touching the bottom of the ab button plate), but later ones show it riding down a bit. Just a thought, and keep up the great work!! Side note: When you make it to EIB, let me know via PM and I will send you a comlink/belt clip for your costume if you like, no charge, just pay shipping.
  21. I am all for weathering the packs, Wayne. IMHO, if you are going to be a HWT, you should look a bit "battle scarred"... otherwise it looks a bit sanitized. I can bounce between HWT and TK as needed, since the black weathering on my armor is not permanent. Quick note... The pack is looking great, but is there any way you can re-position the PVC tube to where the TD plate faces the back?
  22. A certain auction site that shall remain nameless. ebay.
  23. I have a spare AM ab, Ken, which she (or I) can cut up and use as needed. Also have a back and chest piece available if she needs it, (no charge). Just let me know the best way to get it to this courageous young lady.
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