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Everything posted by justjoseph63

  1. Looking good, sir, best of luck to ya'!
  2. I personally set the female parts of the snaps in short pieces of black nylon, then glue those to the armor, Alex. I found that this works really well, as the nylon conforms to the curves in the armor, and I then set the male parts of the snaps in the nylon/elastic connecting straps. ---------
  3. Like Paul mentioned, you can always opt for Heavy Weapons Trooper!
  4. They don't have a website, but you can get in touch through email, ATAworks@yahoo.com
  5. Looking GREAT, Jeff! I see EIB and Centurion in your future!!
  6. The only problem you may have if you glue elastic to your armor, Alex, is that it can (and will) wear out eventually. If you use the snap system, you can replace it if needed. If you have any questions, PM me and I can help you out with any details and photos.
  7. Easy fixes, Hank! Just paint over the buttons, tighten up those shoulder bells, and get the necessary photos in, and we can welcome you into the EIB ranks, sir!
  8. Great job for a great cause, gentlemen. Well done!!! You should scan the newspaper article and add it to the post.
  9. Doopydoos is indeed often out of stock on the E-11s, but there is a small area right below that where it says "Email me when this product is back in stock". Fill that out, and they will send you an email. BUT, the email will mention nothing about the E-11. It will be a generic email, and when you get it, act immediately. I have seen them sell out in a matter of a few hours. Expect at least 30 days for delivery in the US, and do not bother contacting them after you order it, as you will probably not receive a reply. The kit will arrive, but you will need some patience.
  10. I agree their shipping is pretty slow to here in the states, but since DD is located in the UK, it may be much quicker.
  11. "Yes sir, Admiral... a few repairs, a little Bondo and some paint and she'll be as good as new in a week or so".
  12. That is awesome!!! I can see it now... "And now, a report from our Death Star correspondent, TK 73427.." "Nothing to see here... move along"
  13. Good Heavens, are we down to the last 65 numbers that haven't been chosen? This is driving me CRAZY!
  14. You are definitely in good hands there, Johnny, and a big congrats on Big Brown Box day! You have two great influences there, (Chris and Steve) so we are expecting to see your EIB and Centurion applications as soon as you can! All the best on your build..
  15. Don't feel bad about being lazy, Jefferson! Binders can be a great item for getting the public involved in a great photo op. "I am placing you under arrest in the name of the Emperor"! You would be surprised how many grown people will drop down to their knees and put the cuffs on to have their pictures taken, (usually those who side with the rebellion). Just don't point your weapons at them.
  16. Welcome, Hassan! Please forget that you ever saw that website, (originalstormtrooper). There are many sites and sellers online that claim to be "authentic" and "501st approved". Do not believe them. The only current approved "vetted" armorers can be found here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/11538-the-various-types-of-armor-and-where-to-find-them/. As far as building the armor yourself, it is honestly not as hard as you may think. Does it take time, patience, and research? The short answer is yes. The good news is that there are hundreds of tutorials, build threads, and people here to help you out every step of the way. You should also sign up at the German Garrison: http://www.501st.de/news.php. They have 5 Squads, and will certainly help you out as well. Best of luck to you, future Trooper!
  17. Outstanding job by everyone, especially those involved in the Daniel Fleetwood troop. Buckets off to you all..
  18. I personally trimmed down the inside of the biceps to a degree, but not all the way. The return edges on the wrist part of the forearm should be removed entirely, not only for comfort reasons, but it is a requirement for Centurion, (which hopefully you are aiming for). The top part inside can be trimmed as well, as this can (and will) chafe the heck out of you.
  19. It's not that they are being "ripped off", it's just that some folks simply do not know that the 501st exists, and just want the armor for Halloween or a special event. Then, when they do find out about us, and find out that their costumes are not able to be approved, they get disappointed. There is actually one UK ebay seller who advertises his kits a "501st approvable", (they are not).. I will not mention his name,.. that would be rude... (but it's rattlehead). Can Rubies' armor be approved? Yes, but to be honest, it takes a lot of effort, and for the price they charge and the time it takes to modify it you are better off purchasing quality armor from one of the vetted vendors here.
  20. Welcome, Bob! If you are interested in joining the 501st, please steer well clear of anything you find online, ESPECIALLY Rubies and jedi robe!!!!! Yes, they are that bad... Your best bet is to get in contact with some of the sellers found here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/11538-the-various-types-of-armor-and-where-to-find-them/ I would also highly suggest that you get in contact with some of the great folks in the UK Garrison, explain your situation, and they can certainly help to steer you in the right direction. They can be found here: http://www.ukgarrison.co.uk/
  21. In the mail, sir. You should have it tomorrow!
  22. Great photos, Bryan!! Who doesn't love a parade?!
  23. Le'ts not forget the term "beer goggles" can take on a whole new meaning here. Your field of vision while wearing a bucket is limited, to say the least, but add a few brewskis, and you could be in for a bad experience.
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