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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by ZeroRoom

  1. Aaaand *click* - that is my new wallpaper Absolutely brilliant photo, two of the loves of my life together at last! Speaking of love - that second photo looks like a romantic moment.... Great work Brian and great photography. EDIT: I meant white armor, not Brian!
  2. Sam - I got that serial number from this listing on deactivatedguns.co.uk - http://www.deactivated-guns.co.uk/deactivated-guns/modern-deactivated-guns/deactivated-old-spec-sterling-smg/prod_1194.html Is that your serial?! Did you buy that one!? That would be one weird coincidence! That being said if you would like me to change the serial number on the artwork to preserve the uniqueness of yours before anybody else uses it I'm happy to do so
  3. New stuff: For those of you who want go really nuts and emboss or engrave their scratch built Mag Housings with Sterling markings I've been working on replicating the layout and fonts for an accurate representation. (drives me nuts how those other templates just type it on in arial.) This site here: http://sterlingl2a3.com/markings-and-spares/ demonstrates clearly that there were so many variant fonts and layouts used for the mag housing markings on Sterlings throughout the years that without knowing the exact production years of the guns used in Star Wars we can never really know exactly what the mag housing markings might have looked like. I have, therefor, taken a "best guess" and picked two kinds of font and layouts used in the 60's and 70's sterling production runs since I figure these would most likely have been the arms available to Star Wars prop makers. (The above site is very worthwhile visiting by the way for any Sterling info) I couldn't match the font used to any modern avaliable font (believe me I tried - the "r", "g" and "k" are always slightly off) as it is an odd and somewhat irregular font - probably due to the metal stamping dies used at the time. So I've resorted to carefully redrawing the stampings from reference images to get the exact letter shapes. Modern engraving or stamping technology is alo much better - meaning that it wouldn't produce the same irregularities and "wobbly" imprints that the originals have so after drawing them I went back in and added the irregular lines and general "wobbliness" to get that authentic file. That way if you employ digital engraving or plasma cutting you won't end up with a look that is too clean. These are the two versions:
  4. You got it. As for payment, PayPal is always the safest way to pay on the net.
  5. That's looking great so far. With the background out of focus I could almost believe it was a full size lid. Nice work not the fiddly teeth by the way
  6. If that guy paid $1800 for THAT I've got a bridge to sell him....
  7. Wow. The UKG has serious style.
  8. Downloaded. WOW. For the rest of you reading this: Michael has just sent me over 60 intricate photographs of various parts using his digital calipers for accurate measurements. That's over 60. Don't forget Michael, like Mark and Christian already own all the stuff the rest of us want to make from these templates, so there's no personal gain here - now that's true generosity These will be invaluable Michael. Thank you very much. Once Vern has the shop drawings for the tubes in his hands we'll be well on our way to uber accuracy As regards the T-Track: ahhh but there is a good reason to have the true measurements - I have a number of ideas/ options up my sleeve for DIY accurate T-Track so stay tuned...
  9. Roger Roger! Sounds brilliant - PM on the way While I'm posting - re: the E-11 templates. Taking this past a Sterling through to E-11 would require accurate T-Track dimensions. I've got 10.7mm wide by 6.35mm high (1/4 inch). Can anyone confirm or correct this?
  10. @ Vern - Re: the end cap lug. What I'll do is separate ot off on the tube template so that it can have the accurate circumference for a 42mm OD. Can you give me the dimensions for those L shaped slots? Re: the variant templates - what do you see as the difference between the template for a PVC pipe and a steel pipe? If both have the same OD couldn't the templates be the same? @ davej - that sounds awesome! It's amazing how hard it is to get. 38mm ID is not so hard but OD is almost impossible. I found a place here too but the minimum order was even more, something like ten meters. I did find a place in the UK with 38.1mm OD plastic pipe for ponds and fountains that will do a 750mm length but of course it involves importing it. It'd be great to hear what comes of your source. Maybe we could find 6 or more people and split an order? 12 people would be ideal I guess but probably unlikely. We post an interest thread on TAG maybe. Meanwhile, as an added attack, I've set my wife on the task. She's like the Internet Sherlock Holmes and can find websites for companies that don't even have websites...
  11. It looks from the second pic like one is up and one is down... Well spotted!
  12. That'd be brilliant! The full folding stock details and corrections are the last major hurdle left! Meanwhile today's update is the cocking handle. It can't really be templated due to it's odd size and shape but of course we need to include the dimensions within the templates document.
  13. I don't know about Canada but I know this is the case in Australia for sure. In fact you can't even list toy guns on eBay.com.au (I tried) I have gotten toy guns through customs but they were not realistic ones and they still got opened and checked. A modded Hasbro blaster is an odd grey area. I have heard that painting them flouro colours and letting the buyer repaint them can work... I'd contact the buyer and ask him if he knows. If he bids on an item he doesn't think he can get past local customs the onus is on him.
  14. @Lichtbringer - thanks for the offer sir. As it happens I already have the Sterling user handbook, and it has been a helpful reference but it is limited in that it doesn't include any dimensions excepting total length with and without stock folded. It's definitely the owners manual for care, operation and cleaning - understandably, not much for info on replicating. What I really need is numbers - the rest takes care of itself. @ Locitus - you're exactly right. Thanks for putting it so succinctly. Meanwhile mag housing and mag is under way. Vern is sending me some important stuff soon apparently and we should be pretty close to a complete external spec. The folding stock is now our big one, so everyone throw that info at this thread!
  15. Matt's suggestion is a good one because other than that they are indeed made by the member in some sort of editing program like photoshop. Once you've made your sig (however that may be) you can upload it using your personal settings. Hope this helps
  16. Here's how I see it: As with the tube templates I will create and release the full templates, once finished, for genuine 38mm Sterling dimensions. I will not make functional MYO sub machine gun templates. This is a prop replica nothing more. The dimensions and appearance will be accurate to a real Sterling but it will unequivocally be a prop. I intend the stock to function and the cocking lever to pull back, nothing more. There will be SEPERATE 40mm tube based booklet (the sights, blowback shields and muzzle need changing to fit) due to popular demand. You can see clearly by my tube templates that I have made two completely separate templates for people to choose from. I have also stated unequivocally that this an open source community project. All PDf's remain vector editable for any correction anyone can see need making. Alternatively if you see a differentiation between your real sterling and the measurements posted here I encourage you to post corrected measurements. I am creating the artwork primarily from the hard work of Mark and Christian. I have no access to a real Sterling and not only encourage but actively seek help from anyone in possession of a real one or plans for a real one that can ensure the accuracy of the dimensions. In addition to asking for any corrections that anyone sees need making on what I have posted so far I ask that anyone who can, provide the following: Accurate measurements for the arms of the folding stock Accurate measurements for the folding stock rear hinge (diameter etc) Accurate measurements for the butt Any accurate dimensions or functional aspects of the spring mechanism that operates the folding stock at the front. Correct dimensions and spacing of the cut grooves that lock the end cap to the lug If you can provide this info you will ensure the accuracy of the dimensions of these templates. This is exactly what this thread is for so post away and I promise I will do your hard work justice for the benefit of the entire community. For years now we have been hearing about how the BBC plans are inaccurate without an adequate replacement. Most legion deployed troopers are still using the BBC plans where real Sterling conversions are unavailable so this project is for any and all of them that we can help build more accurate blasters. We can do it and we can do it soon. The benefits could be huge, and the benefits for those about to embark on a build even bigger. I know form my own experience that one can be about to embrak on build with the plans available, and someone says 'that's inaccurate' and all building plans halt for fear of inaccuracies, but can't be resumed while no more accurate details are available. We can be the people to change that. Let's do it and do it now. Everyone that has them throw the facts and the true dimensions at this post and we will be off and running in no time
  17. My intention with regard to the bolt is to only provide templates for a solid bolt. Mine for example will be made of resin, so there is no way the inner aspects of the gun could work. With regard to the spring loaded folding stock, with all the info we could template it up, the actual accurate building of it with all the intricate parts would be up to the skill of the builder. My thoughts are we could do two - one as is genuine and one that simply functions with the use of a magnet and just looks accurate, for those with less confidence with fiddly building.
  18. Nothing to be ashamed of Steve! I blubbered like a baby when I watched Heart Of An Empire...
  19. Vern, you need to go back in the thread and read the posts more carefully. There are tube templates for BOTH 38mm and 40mm. I've explained the method by which I adjusted the spatial relationships to create the 40mm tube template. We started with the 38mm but the 40mm was created by popular request. If you download the template you will also see that it it explains that the end cap lug is 42mm OD and that you should build accordingly if using a hollow end cap. If you read my post associated with the grip templates you will see that I have covered the issues with legalities and that this grip plan will not make a functioning trigger assembly. I will also cover this again when I create the inside templates, which will not function. With regards to the folding stock, we've also discussed the spring. Now I am still working on it and I can't garauntee yet that the folding stock templates will definitely be spring loaded, but they will be functional. You can see where I've posted the first draft of the folding stock template I've asked for imput and created editable PDF's for those who can contribute. I have been using those great stock photos from your older post as reference and they have been very helpful. It would be awesome for the creation of the folding stock if you could do like Mark and Christian did and mark up any photos with measurements. Any diagrams or info you can provide with respect to the inner workings of the stock would also be appreciated. You're not wrong about how challenging the stock is to template up, and it may well be the case that it ends up replicating the outside only, but this is a replica sterling template not an actual sterling template. That being said I would love to make the stock function so I invite you to jump on board the project and make it the best that it can be!
  20. @ Lichtbringer - thanks so much for taking the time to do that! That's very generous and extremely helpful. @Seantrooper - I'll keep you posted and you keep me posted! @davej - Tell me about it! I've been hunting this down for a few weeks now in an attempt to locate 38.1 outside diameter pipe and wow the measurement system is crazy. The best thing I've been able to do so far is carry my 38.1mm resin muzzle casting around with me and just physically try fitting it to whatever pipe is stock. So far no match though...
  21. Do they have Bunnings in Queensland? I was there yesterday and they carried 40mm PVC as stock. That being said I'm on the hunt for 38.1mm so I'm going pipe shopping and phoning around a bit at the moment. If you can't find 40mm outside diameter near you I could pick you some up if I find and send it over. Better still if I have any success with the 38.1mm I could get that to you
  22. Yes indeed - outside diameter of 40mm. For us Australians it's a standard pipe size, the 38.1mm is Imperial 1.5" and is pretty hard to come by here (at least in my experience).
  23. OK guys, after much help and hard work from Mark at CFO here is the final tube template for an accurate 38.1mm Sterling tube. Every detail has been checked and it also includes the optional end cap lug spacing for those with hollow end caps. This will give you a genuinely accurate Sterling receiver for your E-11 kit. It comes in 3 different PDF's. One is a full size template for those with access to larger format printers and one is a two page PDF which splits the template in two (includes alignment marks) on to internationally standard A4 paper size for easy printing. The final PDF is the same two page set up but on Letter sized paper for our American brethren. Not only that, but after a lot of math (not my favorite activity ) I have an accurate template scaled up for the common 40mm pipe. It is important to note that this template has NOT been scaled up across the board, or by percentages. The tube circumference has been enlarged and the details carefully moved in tiny measurements to maintain accurate relationships but all dimensions and certainly the length wise distances remain accurate. Admittedly I'm talking about centimeters and millimeters here, but there are substantial differences between this template and any other template for a 40mm tube I have been able to find. Taken from sskunky's genuine Sterling receiver these are the most accurate templates I have been able to create for a 40mm tube. These templates are also attached here in the same three formats (large, A4 and letter) as the 38.1mm templates. There is only one important caveat: for a number of reasons there are questions raised by variations on the placement of the rear folding stock mount. You should use discretion when getting the best placement for your folding stock depending on the origin of your stock. Consider this placement accurate for a scratch made folding stock according to the stock templates we are currently perfecting. And of course, as always, all PDF's remain illustrator editable to allow for community improvement if needed. Without further ado here they are - download and enjoy! 38.1mm Tube Template LETTER Paper Letter.38mm.TubeTemplate.pdf 38.1mm Tube Template A4 Paper A4.38mm.TubeTemplate.pdf 38.1mm Tube Template FULL SIZE Tube38mmFullSize.pdf 40mm Tube Template A4 Paper A4.40mm.TubeTemplate.pdf 40mm Tube Template LETTER Paper Letter.40mm.TubeTemplate.pdf 40mm Tube Template FULL SIZE Tube40mmFullSize.pdf
  24. I hear what you're saying Tray. What we might be able to do is set the max for IPM's higher, so you can do this. I'll check into it for you.
  25. but it's milled - not "bent" as such?
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