being a part of forums with my wife for many many years, she went by swtcheeks for a while, then it got changed to just swts. Our kids are commonly called polarpups, or swtslings lol.
I did the screen method on my MTK, since I can never seem to breath out my nose, it fogs, even with fans . I did individual lenses on dowels on my ATA, with no fans they dont fog. to each their own.
General Manager for an air conditioning contractor in south Florida. Just celebrated 3 years here. Ive known the owners for many years and they are like family. My grandfather/ father had and a/c / electrical company here since the 50's. My father took over and I decided it was best for us not to work together to salvage what little bit of a some what healthy relationship we have.
Hey scott, You werent " groupertrooper" on FS Forum were you? 7 or 10 years ago there was a guy called grouper trooper that used to fish in his stormtrooper costume, think he moved to texas.
I have quite a few. Fishing and boating
this one was 225 on my 19 foot boat, 18 miles out
my 68 Bug
which is currently
helping my old man with his 54 Bel Aire
Hunting and shooting as well. Dont have many pictures of that, but I stay busy!