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About wingnut65

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    DPRO EI/Centurion Document

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    Tampa Bay Squadron

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  1. See first image above. All snaps should used be the Line 24 hammered together snaps. There are no sew-on snaps needed on your armor. Don't make more work for yourself!
  2. Archer, Almost all the snaps on a TK are Line 24 snaps, which is a standard industry size with heads at approximately 9/16" (15 mm) diameter. I don't have any pop rivets on my bucket and there is nothing in the CRL calling for rivets on the bucket. They are located elsewhere, but not the bucket. Here's an image I created a while ago to help with the snap and rivet designations. I later changed some snaps to Velcro
  3. I looked into the garder system for the thighs, but decided to just add a loop of elastic, snapped to the inside of the thighs. I use a 1" black leather belt to hold them up and have never had any issues with them.
  4. Well done, Joey! It looks amazing!
  5. This new Centurion visual checklist for the Artillery Stormtrooper is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. Go Forth and Build! A printable PDF is also available: 20 FISD Artillery Trooper L3 Centurion - Ver 01 2-2024.pdf
  6. This new EIB visual checklist for the Artillery Stormtrooper is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. Go Forth and Build! A printable PDF is also available: 20 FISD Artillery Trooper L2 EIB - Ver 01 2-2024.pdf
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  7. This new EIB visual checklist for Commander Pyre is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. Go Forth and Build! A printable PDF is also available: 21 FISD Commander Pyre L2 EIB - Ver 01 2-2024.pdf
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  8. This new Centurion visual checklist for Commander Pyre is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. Go Forth and Build! A printable PDF is also available: 21 FISD Commander Pyre L3 Centurion - Ver 01 2-2024.pdf
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  9. This new visual checklist for TLJ Stormtrooper is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. A printable PDF is also available: 17 FISD TLJ L3 Centurion - Ver 01 2-2024.pdf
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  10. This new visual checklist for TLJ Stormtrooper is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. A printable PDF is also available: 17 FISD TLJ L2 EIB - Ver 01 2-2024.pdf
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  11. Sometimes progress forward needs a step backwards. I think your eye will tell you when the layout feels right. BTW, as a woodworker, I love all your tools and jigs! Your skills will be very helpful for this whole TK build. You will get to your comfort zone before too long.
  12. Congrats on your adventure into the World of White! As you get ready for the armor party, take some time to review other TK builds and watch some videos. Somebody had suggested the TrooperBay Tutorial Videos as a good overview of the assembly process. I agree completely. Mike’s in-depth videos show one way of putting all the puzzle pieces together and he just does it, without any sweating! No panic. No nervousness. He just gets a knife, cuts the pieces and glues them together. I like most of his build process ideas, but I used E-6000 for almost everything instead of his use of super glue and zap-kicker. E-6000 is more forgiving and is removable when it is dried and two years from now if you want to make adjustments. Have fun and be sure to start a build thread!
  13. Welcome to FISD, CTBD! Great name! As Caleb mentioned, E-6000 is the way to go with building TK's! There are some builders who build for others that uses CA/super glue, but the new owner can't change anything in the future without breaking plastic. E-6000 is removable and allows for adjustments and improvements after trooping in it for a while. My TK kit did not include a pipe for the TD. I found 2" gray plastic electrical tubing is the size I needed for my ATA TK kit pieces. After I sanded off the printed name info and shop rash, I sanded it to a gloss finish. Have Fun with your build and ask all the questions you want!
  14. This new visual checklist for TLJ Captain Phasma is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. I've intentionally left this dated 12/2023 to give opportunity for the rest of this year for any updates. A printable PDF is also available: 02 FISD TLJ Captain Phasma L3 - Ver 01 12-2023.pdf
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  15. This new visual checklist for TLJ Captain Phasma is now available. This checklist matches the current CRL. I've intentionally left this dated 12/2023 to give opportunity for the rest of this year for any updates. A printable PDF is also available: 02 FISD TLJ Captain Phasma L2 - Ver 01 12-2023.pdf
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