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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Yeebeme

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  • 501st Unit
    Imperial Scottish Garrison

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  1. TK-18238 requesting access. Thanks https://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=18010
  2. Congrats on your induction mate, sorry I couldn't be there, hope all went well at the troop and hopefully see you at a troop soon
  3. Yup, never used fans in my helmets. I always troop with glasses on and never had a problem (even with the fibreglass helmet for my FOTK! With all that padding!). Personally for me I don't think fans (for OT TKs, other costumes will vary) are really needed up here in Scotland where it's not just cold but really humid as well (was bloody freezing on a troop this weekend in my TK when we were standing outside, made me miss the FO TK gaskets ). Having said that, everybody is different, some people might need them and others might not. I'd say they are definitely needed in warmer locations. The very fact that I troop with glasses on amazes even people over here! If you don't need them then that's great but if you do then that's fine as well. There are certain troops we do like Hamleys in Summer where it's like being in a greenhouse where fans would prove useful. Give fans a try, It is better to have something and not need it than need something and not have it
  4. When I got my RS armour the sniper plate was lower than the required position too, but the one in the pics that Rob sent look the business, love seeing a nicely aligned sniper plate
  5. Baton trooper has shoulder and arm gaskets However it is true he doesn't have forearm boxes
  6. Those feels...Excellent job!
  7. I'm almost always on this site (as well as many other sites) lurking and doing research for stuff. But I only ever post once in a blue moon, this is one of those times. ...and back into the shadows I go...
  8. I have a set of 1.5mm TM armour and I've put it through a lot of abuse and it's served me quite well. I've managed to sit down, bend down to pick stuff off the ground and even managed a 1 and a half hour car ride with 4 other people in the car while in the armour and it still hasn't cracked (although I'd probably suggest taking better care of your armour than I have mine ). Personally I prefer the 1.5mm for that original feel and colour but I've seen the 2mm and it also looks awesome and is really sturdy. Either one you choose you can't really go wrong
  9. Cheers guys, was a great set of armour to build. Has been on a good number of troops since and has held up extremely well Having said that, I seem to have horrible luck... and then 2 days later...
  10. Yes there is no need to trim the shoulder bells at all to slim down the biceps. What I meant was that I think the biceps could be closed up a bit more to fit a bit better
  11. Ooh I do like that armour. Looking great there mate! The only thing I can really think of is that the biceps are looking a bit big on you, could do with slimming them down. The backplate seems to overlap the kidney a bit but that's not really a big deal. Just make sure you're comfortable walking around in the armour and trim where needed (it's always the bloody legs that get me). But yeah, this is a really nice build. Love it
  12. Was cleared with the UKG yesterday afternoon Also have gone ahead and closed up that gap at the base of the left thigh and have sorted out the hand guards so they're secure at the front and don't lift. Overall pretty quick and smooth build, really glad I got a set of the TM armour. Will be trooping with it real soon and I'm sure it'll do me well for a long time
  13. Thanks dude Just for a bit of fun, a wee side by side with my ANH Stunt
  14. Cheers guys Submitted this build for clearance now with the UKG so here's some photos Still need to reduce the thickness of the leaf padding to bring the helmet down a bit. I'll also add the wee shoulder strap elastics if I go for EIB Front Right Arm Down Right Arm Up Back Left Arm Down Left Arm Up Action Shots
  15. Not really great with updates Kitted up yesterday and saw a few things that needed to be fixed but did take some pictures. Fixed those things today and will take full body pics later and we'll see if there's anything else that needs to be fixed In the meantime here are the pics I took yesterday Ab plate Cod rivet Top right ab snap Butt snaps inside Butt snaps outside Side rivets Ammo pack right Ammo pack left Chest TD Back TD Front Thighs Front Thighs Back Right Shin Front Right Shin Back Sniper Plate Front Sniper Plate Right Sniper Plate Left Shin Hooks Belt Front Belt Back Drop Box Rivet Half Body Shot
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