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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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    Florida Garrison

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  1. One more option for armor is Imperial Surplus https://imperialsurplus.com/product/first-order-stormtrooper/ Very happy to see this available (again).
  2. +1 Tony speaks the truth!
  3. Disney Springs in Orlando, FL opening night in my executioner trooper
  4. Thanks for the fix! I’m scrambling to finish my build for the movie premier and was stressing entirely too much about cod pieces, hah
  5. The current TLJE CRL states that the new cod is required for level 1, is that correct? After reading the discussions it seemed like it was going to be a level 2 thing. The regular TLJ shows it as level 2, just wondering if this was intentional or an error?
  6. Awesome work as always! Love it
  7. Voted!
  8. Joe, I ordered some of that mesh to try and modify the BSP also. Shouldn't be too bad. Has anyone had problems getting approved with the BSP helmet without mesh though? I'm repainting mine now, since Anovos delayed (shocker) their executioner helmet. Still no word on when the Phoenix Props bucket will ship, so it looks like my BSP will end up as my executioner helmet.
  9. I think it means the mesh pattern continues between the teeth? BSP doesn’t have them though, not sure. CRL photo looks like it’s just the same honeycomb mesh pattern between the teeth
  10. No need to cut out the mesh, it’s molded in to the bucket (the little dimples around the beak)
  11. Check out the 2 photos of the F-11D from NYCC http://strw.rs/60148fuBK
  12. I’m still interested depending on cost
  13. This really is all Clint’s fault isn’t it?
  14. Nice comparison, I couldn’t decide which to buy either so I also ordered both. I’ll paint one up as an executioner I guess. Looking forward to seeing non-render photos of the PP one.
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