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About cm325i

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    Expert Infantry

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    San Antonio, Texas
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    Music, movies, art, design, photography, cars (specifically my 1990 BMW 325is)


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  1. This thread is pointless and should be deleted. I've ordered from the above link. trooperbay.com also carries it... https://trooperbay.com/costuming-supplies/hardware/trooper-helmet-s-neck-trim
  2. suspenders to hold up all of the main torso parts, then chest & back over the suspenders.
  3. What's up FISD. Haven't been on much. Mostly trooping in my Tusken but threw on the TK for a couple of events this month... A fellow 501st member's wedding brought out a few TKs. An Imperial Gunner took this photo...
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  4. Doopys get heavy fast, holding one for a few hours straight kinda sucks. Hyperfirm look cool and are super light and will rarely break when dropped. Doopys will loose a few parts when dropped. Kids love love to hold the blasters for photos. If they make pew pew noises like the Hasbro, you'll be a rock star. The Rubys painted black is kinda boring. I only holster that one while I'm also sporting the DLT-19. I have all of these and that is my experience. I won't give any comments about details or accuracy and leave that to the pros. Troop on.
  5. Thank you Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. I'd like to post an update for the large patch run. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/36547-fisd-12-patches-with-optional-rockers-closed/ thanks.
  7. My 2 kids bdays. Jan 6 and March 11. TK16311 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I use it to hide the beard also. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. ---------- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. This was actually through my work in partnership with the local Astronomical association. Activities for kids, photos w 501st members and very large and expensive telescopes set up for everyone to gaze into the heavens... I know more photos will surface. I'll post as I get them. It was a fun little event. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Paul is right and we're all wrong... why is this thread still here... just delete it already,
  12. This thread is pointless Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. oh well, there's that then.
  14. I agree with you man and have edited my post to be very clear that this modification is a personal preference. All good now.
  15. While it is true that no official announcement has been made, I know that the "rounded" s-trim is approved without a doubt. That and this optional source is $2 a foot causes me zero hesitation to buying new trim. I will edit my original post accordingly.
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