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Everything posted by Ripper_L

  1. ist zwar zu Anovos, aber der Aufbau der Rüstung sollte ja identisch sein Ukswrath's guide ist hier im Forum eigentlich ungeschlagen http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/35086-ukswraths-anovos-tk-build/
  2. regarding the scope kits thread? I guess joseph changed the title already (?)
  3. Woohoo <br><br> Christoph Daniel Lauber<br> #55<br> Cooling Systems
  4. Moving this to the right section....
  5. Troopers who were approved before this entry was made to the CRLs are still allowed to wear their helmets. Only new applicants with FX helmets are prohibited
  6. I've used this tutorial to build my vacuum machine with a size of one squaremeter http://mynocksden.com/diy-vacuum-former/tools-for-the-job.html It's not perfect, but it's a good start
  7. I've changed your login-name to "fltcrw99"
  8. Das hat er hier geschrieben unter dem Punkt "CRL Work" http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/40657-new-dl-daetrins-opening-statement/?p=543882 Ich kann das ja mal etwas anstoßen, vielleicht wird's dann schneller was
  9. Of the majority wishes so, we could open up a shock Trooper section where all threads can be found.
  10. Congratulations and thanks for the kudos!
  11. Recast is the exact copy of someone other's work. It's not that hard to tell, I mean we don't have a 3D Scan or something, so you might get close to the on screen armor by sculpting your own molds but it will never be exactly the same unless you cast it from an original armor. RS and CfO did that and if you compare their kits to others You will see lots of tiny differences. (For example that one of the abdomen buttons on the RS has a different size...) These are only nuances, but if you're into the materia, you'll recognize it. So if somehow another kit hits the market and has this exact one smaller button on the belly - I'd say it's at least suspicious But if you only use another's armor for size reference - I guess it's fine. As long as you don't copy his work.
  12. Christoph Daniel Lauber TK-55550 EIB A4 Andrew Here you go, Danny! http://www.whitearmor.net/eib/certificates/55550-eib.png
  13. Yep, Please post the link of the membership database in the thread, Joseph provided I'll rename your thread here.
  14. Congratulations and welcome to the white zone!
  15. Obviously another rookie, who's confused by the complicated forum structure... Welcome to the FISD, Rizman! I recommend you to read the getting started section
  16. It's definitely a FX recast. I'd say stay away.<br> Doesn't mean your friend is screwed - if he makes the best out of it and changes the helmet, he might be accepted for basic approval or even EI. But I can't say that for sure without seeing some detailed pictures. It also depends on how good his building skills are
  17. I'd love to see a Work in Progress thread of this
  18. Some good suggestions came up in here, thanks for all the help guys. We will have lots of improvements thanks to your feedback. If there's anything more to say, feel free to do so.
  19. Read this about the Application: http://databank.501st.com/databank/Membership:JoinUs then contact your local garrison. (url, that joseph provided) after that, fill in the application form: http://501st.com/members/join_form.php I'll move your thread to the right section.
  20. not yet But I have some plans ;D
  21. I'm trying to change my ANH FX armor to ESB, what do you think? Handplates are from IronMotion, Helmet is a CAP. Please give me some feedback
  22. I fixed the title. But I can't do anything about the content, I guess it's a problem with the language package, but I'll leave this to the IT cracks Anyway, thanks for the reminder!
  23. Hope to see some pics here soon btw: Moving your thread to the build section!
  24. looking good to me so far Great work. I guess we can tell you more after the test fit! I'll move your thread to the build section
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