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Everything posted by Starfox2010

  1. Ok, Just a little update. I pretty much got both the biceps complete, just gluing one last cover strip. (sorry for crappy pic) Still working on the darn forearms, i'm going crazy working on them. I noticed on another topic that a fellow trooper had his wrist side too wide, I had the same space, on top of the cover strips still not looking good. I'll probably wait untill the end to work on them, they have been an ego buster for sure. Got the Should straps trimmed. Should I trim closer to the bumps? I trimmed the bottom return edge and glued the cover strip to the inside of the left shin. I'm going to try and complete it and see how it turns out before I do the right one (I have 2 left shins to practice on) So I also decided to work on the chest and back. Should I trim more off the back where I marked the line? Here is the other side Should I trim more off the top as well?
  2. LMAO look at the left forearm and then look at the right
  3. No problem, you're going to need to create a topic yourself when you get your armor that way people could catch your mistakes befor they happen like me a couple of posts up regarding my thigh's. Everyone on here helps a lot, only thing about the A.M. 2.0 is that we are all rookies on a updated armor so its a bit difficult. But lucky for you all of us should be able to give you pointers where we got stuck.
  4. I was about to post on my forearms but the wrist end looks just as wide on mine, looks like im going to have to trim it a bit more myself.
  5. Use a different browser.
  6. Yea he sent both from the pic. Dont think ill be so nervouse to work on the left shin now.
  7. And just like that, my shins are here!
  8. Got the flat for the t-tracks, and the gloss for the grip. ill look for the clear overcoat and see how that works with the hammered finish, but will definately try to do differet tests before I decide. Thanks again everyone!
  9. Hey Rystan, I did something like that but a little more ghetto rigged. I will find out if it works tomorrow. I used those ratchet bar clams and applied pressure from both sides and also using the magnets. Too embarrased to take the picture unless it turns out good LOL.
  10. Ha, I think i would have every single Star Wars armor hand crafted to my figure and free of charge if I were a chick and looked like her.
  11. OK, the only reason I thought I had to trim was because I had trouble going up stairs with the armor on just one leg. I looked like this poor girl going up stairs:
  12. I figured there should be something up since im 6'2. but I cant bend my leg much what is the lowest you could bend your legs on your armor? if you take a look at my 4th pic "The Knee" thats pretty much as far as it goes . ill wait though. thanks for the heads up. Yes but I hear thats a no-no. There was lots of confusion (4 teeth on each side 5 holes, and 4 teeth 4 holes) from the hype of building the helmet. I am leaving it as is until I im ready for approval. I don't think its a difficult fix.
  13. Dude, that armor looks sick as hell!
  14. Just out of curiosity, whats the difference between a heat sealing iron and a regular iron?
  15. What a coiky dink, im 6'2 lol Have you guys found out what has a return edge and what doesn't? any word on leveling out the wrist side of the forearm? Im kind of working on everything as im waiting for my forearm to be ready. Rystan, I had the same problem trying to glue the cover strip (i've been on the same forearm for a week.) i've even tried flatening the cover strip area a bit since my forearm joint on one side was at an angle. Also, have the magnets been your worst nightmare yet?
  16. Sounds good. Thanks
  17. I was just asking myself the same thing on the rim from the wrist side. Hopefully someone could chime in on this. I had a mess of a time gluing, The inner shim had shifted a bit I wish I had extra hands too. Damn magnets.
  18. Would this work for a DD build?
  19. How did you end up doing the return edge? It looks like im going to have to trim down my thigh.
  20. While I wait for my forarm to glue, I decided to work on the left shin. Working on the left shin turned in to the whole limb . Since the shin and the thigh had too much plastic for me to see roughly where I will need to be more or less, I cut out 1 inch. Here are some picks of my leg pieces taped together. Looks like I will need to cut a good amount off the top, I can't bend my leg. Back side The knee and Side view
  21. No, contact TG and let him know you have two left (or right) shins, hes working on sending everyone the correct one.
  22. Yea, PM me your email address.
  23. can you take a pic of the side view of the helmet and the back view of the ear? did you try pressing down the lower part of the ear before you drilled?
  24. Damn, You have so steady hands.
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