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About Stormy1992

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  1. Yes! And they still are so much later! I did receive centurion status with them as well!
  2. 4 years later they are still alive and well! Held up! Note: haven't been on here in a long time!
  3. havent seen a change in the ranks yet with posting. is there something i need to do? thanks!
  4. Kyle Morrow 33092 Centurion 171 thank you!
  5. thanks everyone! ) happy to be here with all of you!! and its underarmor:) may have been the lighting in the photos to give it the rubber feel
  6. Thank you!! Update on rear (also added to thread!)
  7. alright! i have the TD done, ill take a photo of my back side today and shoot it your way and add it to the thread!
  8. thank you! you got it! the back plate may be due to my self bending a bit forward.. if you notice my left shoulder was raised for some reason. and woopsies! i thought it was on right. it fell off and i thought i put it on the right way hahaha but if needed i can take another picture for my back side
  9. can we trade?? haha looks amazing!! you should have drawn wings on the chalk board!! the swirl is cool though!
  10. Kyle Morrow TK33092 Stormy1992 Bloodfin Armor Scootch CAP APPLICATION ANH STUNT. (forgot the title in the title :/ ) Since the last time i got my EIB rank, i redid the face of my bucket, Hand painted all decals, Removed flare from the back of my thighs, brought up the drop boxes, bought flexable hand guards and made my bells closer to the bridges. So here we go! Front Back (UPDATE on the rear) flipped TD and actually stood up straight) Right Left Detail Time! Buttons Butt/Kidney and Kidney Plate Notch Hand Guards: Bendy! Bridges Front Left front right Back Left Back right Attachment Thigh Pack Knee Plate Edge Drop Box Back Cod to Butt Interior Back to Front Attachment Outside Forearms Bucket! Front Right Back Left Green Lens S trim Tips Paint detail Blaster Accessories Neck Seal Thermal Back Holster Attachment Extras Thanks for looking!! Here is a chart from my EIB entry photos compared to my Centurion Entry photos. (EIB - CEN - EIB - CEN)
  11. netslave they look great!! Lovemonkey, honestly i have had NO issues still with my boots. No flaking even. a solid method still! someone told me they were approved. they looked the part. they are very comfortable, seeing as they were 80 bucks you get the comfort in what you pay for! i still put little squishies in mine for that added layer of cloud sorry for getting back to you so late, and thanks for the love on the thread! hope more people see it!! over a year and they are still as they are pictured in the first post, well a little more scuffed, but thats normal!
  12. just want to butt in here really quick and say that saberforge.. although the long wait (5 months) the saber is beautiful.. no issues with it either. if you like to wait i would highly recommend it over ultra saber for sure. craftsmanship is so much better. Its not the TK lightsaber, however it is white so on noncanon events i do weild it
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