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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About KaitoTrooper

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    Expert Infantryman

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    German Garrison

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  1. Congratulations! Welcome to the RotJ Crew!
  2. Lol, I actually realised, your thread started in 2009. Credits to Paul, these ideas are really great. Can you lower your back plate a few cm more? When wearing your helmet it should still look fine and you have an extra cover for some black.
  3. Wishing you good luck for your application! You look really neat, I have got to say. EIB is not a big efford to reach with your armor. We need more RotJs there
  4. Good to hear, keep going!
  5. The undersuit is a case of personal preference. Some troopers use a 1-piece, others use a 2-piece suit. As long as it is black and has no logos etc. visible, they are good. For myself I wear a 2-piece with a bodyfit shirt and leggins (is that the English word? I don't know).
  6. I really like your build. Keep going!
  7. Hey there August, I'm sorry nobody answered you, I guess we RotJ are still quite shy To answer your question, your rivet hole is nearly in the middle of your ammo belt, so you should have plenty of room left in the upper left. If you have any excess ABS, you can mix it with some acetone and carefully fill your hole with this mass. Bondo sounds like a good idea, too, but watch out if the color fits in with the rest of your armor. All in all, I really like where this is finally going. Nice helmet!
  8. Congrats! It's nice to see another trooper ready for duty Sent from the shield generator on Endor
  9. Thank you! I'll catch up on these points and go for Centurion Looks like my front sight broke anyway, so replacing it is in need anyway.
  10. Felix Premm 16084 EIB A4 Thank you!
  11. Hello, I've been on vacation for a few days and could not take the extra photos, my appologies. Allright here we go: Right arms up Left arms up Helmet Shoulder bells Arms Strapping and forearms For the blaster I have to admit, I've bought it as my first part af my armor and never really tought about it. I'll contact Kai and ask if he has any references for this build. Otherwise I'll have to alter this part. Regards Felix
  12. Are you sure that this isn't a requirement for Centurion? I thought so, because I didn't mention the white soles and the overlapping method, too. Sent from the shield generator on Endor
  13. TK-16084 - Requesting RotJ EIB Status [CFO] Personal Information FISD name: KaitoTrooper Name: Felix Premm ID: TK-16084 Garrison: German Garrison Mandatory Information Armor: CFO Helmet= CFO Blaster= DoopyDoo's with some aluminum parts by Kai Hirt Optional Information Height = 182cm Weight = 67kg Boots = Francouis belt = CFO polyprop belt Hand Plates = CFO Electronics= Fans by DirtyBoy's Props Neck Seal = Darman Holster = Darman ROTJ style Gloves = Chemical Rubber Gloves Photos Full body front Full body left Full body back Full body left Helmet detail Mic tips detail Lenses detail Helmet liner Buttons (2 blue, 6 black) Belt Dropboxes closed in the back Thermal detonator (the electrical tape is for protecting the plastic) Neck seal Blaster Action shot Regards Felix
  14. Finally, JC! Congratulations!
  15. Like it! Admit it, you wanted to show us your Abarth How are you planning to add the dropboxes later? Now get a holster, slip up that biceps and you are good to go! Sent from the shield generator on Endor
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