I have been thinking about eventually using these parts to make a legit all metal blaster. That would be so cool! My plan for the immediate future is to mold and cast the parts for a pipe build. Interestingly, I trial fitted the bolt with a 1-1/4" PVC pipe (1.36" [34,5mm] I.D.). It's very snug, but it does fit. The O.D. is a little big at 1.66" [42,2mm], but it's cheap, readily available and easy to work with. A more accurate choice would be 1-1/4" EMT conduit 1.51" [38,4mm] O.D./1.38" [35,1mm] I.D., also fairly cheap and readily available, but metal. Not so easy to work with.
Anyway, it may be a while before I'm at that point. First, I have a few questions:
1. What is the best way to clean and prep the parts?
2. Is it necessary to separate all the parts from the barrel casing and body?
a. Is it just a matter of desoldering? How do I do that?
b. How is the muzzle removed from the barrel casing?
3. For filling and mold making, what clays are sulfur-free?
4. I don't have a fancy scale or de-gassing vat. Is OOMOO a good choice for molding silicone?
5. I see most people use urethane plastic resin to cast parts. Would there be a down side to using semi-rigid resin like Smooth-Cast 65D/66D?
Thanks in advance for your valuable input!