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I'm Batman

501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by I'm Batman

  1. Haha. Yeah, I learnt the hard way. CA glue leaked out onto my 'protective' tape which meant I couldn't remove the tape. Suffice to say I threw those gloves out and started again. Glue wise, I used regular CA glue with Trooperbays handguards (rubber, I think). Working a treat!
  2. Teeth look good, but as Dday says, you need to at least trim the cap to the trim line, then position it as you like before you start working on the ears.
  3. I was in the same boat - couldn't find anywhere locally where I didn't have to buy 100 of them! Then I'd probably buy the wrong size and I'd have 500 unusable chicago screws. LOL!
  4. Just read your title.... Belt , I used regular 1/8 pop rivets, again with a washer on the back.
  5. Just found it? Tripped over it in the park?
  6. Same thing happened to Ladyinwhite's snowy build with her shoulder straps. She sat them in a pot and heated them so as they softened they took the form of the pot. I'd try that, otherwise order some new ones.
  7. Looks great Chris! Might have to borrow some tips and ideas from you in the future....
  8. Do you use the 'advanced search'? Since I found that button and search 'in Titles only' I haven't had a major problem.
  9. Woo hoo! Slotted screws on the TD. Nice work and good fixes as recommended by Steve in your EIB. Do you have straps connecting your forearms? If not, they may help with stopping them rotating around on you. Well done!
  10. Glad I could help . You just need a stand to prop it up a bit now.
  11. Newly issued from the commissary. Hasn't seen much action, that E-11. Looks like a nice clean build!
  12. I think a lot of it depends on what Garrison your part of. I went to an armor party the other weekend. There are no local TK's at all so there was no encourangment to do things a certain way. In fact there was probably more discouragement - "Oh that's only for higher levels, don't worry about that", etc. I like reading information on the computer so am aware of the various levels and strive for excellence so want to achieve those levels. But others who don't know about them aren't encouraged. So for those non active forum members, we need to get the word out to the GMLs of each Garrison to encourage exellence at that level. Maybe we need a 501st-wide drive, not just TK specific!
  13. Looks great! Well done.
  14. Why don't we merge the build thread section above back into the normal "costuming and builds" section (here). In both sections we get some builds, some basic questions and vice versa, and no one moves them or changes them... Just one of those OCD things that bug me
  15. Maybe while you're tapering the biceps, have a look at doing the same to the rest of your limbs. I think I need to do a bit more to my armor too, but as an example, the rear shot of your right thigh looks to have a lot of overhang near the knee. Get your shins, thighs, forearms and biceps as close as possible while still being comfortable and able to move.
  16. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/27403-another-boot-thread-but-with-spray-paint/ I painted my TK boots white with a automotive vinyl spray. Worked a treat. So far so good. It bends flexes. Haven't trooped in them yet, but they seem ok. BUT, 2 mates then bought the same paint to use on leather boots, and it cracked straight off!
  17. Yep, biceps look huge. Ideally you'd want the shoulders only a few mm off the straps (definately not under the straps as appears to be the case in the first two pics). Although many people leave return edges on those pieces to show 'bulk', if you look at the pics in the photo reference section, you'll see that a lot of the pieces did not have any return edges on them at all. No return edge on the shoulders will allow them to sit flatter against your biceps.
  18. I ended using CA glue on mine for that reason. Once I got one side done (I think I used E6000 for the first coverstrip), I used CA glue and physically forced it closed. You only have a minute to work with, but you also only have to hold it closed for a minute. Less if you have a mate to spray zip kicker on it as you hold it.
  19. I just right click on the "IMG Code", copy, then right click, paste it into the reply box.
  20. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/25165-fs-imperial-binders-handcuffs/ Pretty much everything is available on the For Sale threads, including binders, above and even blasters occasionally Trooperbay.com is another good source.
  21. I shall send you my address for the one you don't want Looking forward to see your build!
  22. E6000 FTW! From experience, I used superglue with zip kicker for some of the parts that I thought, "I won't need to undo that". Eg: Snap plates inside my armor. Only to find out the snaps didn't work. I had to grind the plates off. Fun job! Next the cover strips on my thighs. "They're right I won't need to undo that". Out comes the angle grinder again. Slice in half, grind off the cover strips..... Good thing about ABS, anything is fixable, but with E6000 it would have been soooooo much easier.
  23. There's some fantastic stuff there. However, we all need to remember that CRL's change and/or we find better ways of doing things, so information doesn't stay accurate forever. That said, I've saved this link for future reference! Thanks Bill!
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