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I'm Batman

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Everything posted by I'm Batman

  1. I like that one!
  2. Correct. They are deemed as accidents or breakages during movie making. Just as the CRL doesn't allow for costume malfunctions like missing tube stripes, duct tape on armor, missing holsters, etc.
  3. Doh! ... Should have checked that mediocre reference of ours. We do cover the 3 main options here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/32111-fisd-e-11-blaster-reference/page-2#entry414706
  4. Personal to the original props, or personal to current builders like us? There are screen shots of blasters with different rails. Can't remember who posted them and where. The type that comes to mind is the double 90deg bend that gets fixed into the receiver. An earlier common method of fixing was to screw through the vertical section of the sight so it didn't matter which way it was flipped. I'll see if I can find some images, but gotta head off soon...
  5. I would't say it's an error. It was just cast with the sight flipped the other way. Not all rails were fixed to the sight so they probably haven't really thought about it before casting. TBH, I can't remember if I did it, or saw it elsewhere, but you could just build up the front section with green stuff or similar (assuming you want to screw 'down' into the sight to affix the rail).
  6. Give this man a stamp! Looking good Brian
  7. Oh, just as I posted I saw this was under the ROTJ section. TBH, I've only seen one person offer ROTJ kits in the for sale section a while back. Search there. None of the above links are ROTJ
  8. That is very odd. I'm sure half (or more) of the Doopy builds on here are from US guys. You can also try: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28047-phoenix-props-e-11-stormtrooper-blaster-kits-a-new-hope-and-esb/ https://trooperbay.com/tfx-l2a3-blaster-rifle.html http://www.rspropmasters.com
  9. You could try PM'ing Dday who casts/sells his own items, or for a simple item like that you could mold one out of putty, styrene or similar.
  10. 9hrs 19 minutes for approval. You've set a precedence now, you realise Tony Congrats Brian. Well deserved
  11. I could take some photos and measurements for you, but I've got nothing to verify the thread pitch, sorry.
  12. Stella build! That blaster could do with some work though Congrats mate
  13. If it came with the aluminium tube, I'd say its a DVH (version about 3), probably the first version sold by Dday, but essentially still the DVH molds. Derek will no doubt correct me. Check out my build in my signature below, basically the same parts you have. I just used epoxy and locating 'pins' to secure my real folding stock. No idea about aluminium brazing, sorry. Good luck. Will be watching...
  14. How many 'bits' does it come as?
  15. Just remember, you don't have to do it ALL! Even just one or two of these improvements can make a big difference
  16. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/16705-the-best-sterling-templates-ever/page-5 There are some plans at post # 99. I can't vouch for their accuracy though. I used Aaron's 40mm plans for my last build, so you could print off his 40mm ones, the 40mm ones above, compare and make an assumption whether or not the 38mm ones are accurate or not.
  17. I'm guessing he means the two flat pins that stick out of the plastic end piece. Lots of pics in the E-11 Reference. http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/32111-fisd-e-11-blaster-reference/page-5#entry422899 Chris (ThrawnsGuard) found a close example, but not sure where you would get exact replicas. You could always cut some out of sheet steel.
  18. Sign up to the Yahoo Group. All the details you need are there. I've just built one. Also check out the 3 recent builds over on Astromech.net (mine included)
  19. Looking at the reference pics in the 'reference pics' section, I'd say Aaron's looks best. The 3mm diameter on the left hand one looks to small and tight. Aaron would have had his real Sterling on hand when verifying the measurements. No idea about the other plans.
  20. Yep. Post # 6 leads you to here: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28936-e-11-pvc-pipe-build-templates-imperial-and-metric/
  21. Nice. Much better. You can trim a bit more off that magazine too. It should go all the way in up the cut out section and flat bit of the clip on the other side (if that makes sense)
  22. yeah great first post. Some cool mods. Love the working mag release button. Def do that on my next build. Any chance you could make the pics bigger in the thread (just copy the "IMG" code and paste). Then we won't have to open every picture to see it larger...
  23. Looking forward to seeing this. You should pick up one of these completion sets. They're pretty good, I hear http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28444-fs-completion-sets-for-e-11-resin-kits-with-worldwide-insured-shipping-and-paypal/
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