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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Snaps

  1. I went with what was most comfortable. There's only 11 dents on each arm so 12 on right and 11 on the left obviously won't work.
  2. Yeah, a lot of rubber band victims in my build too! E6000 is the best choice in my opinion! Strong but easily let's you take things apart if needed!
  3. Looking good so far
  4. Looks a lot better and glad to hear you don't walk like 3PO lol
  5. Here's my forearms..if I am understanding correctly.....I wonder if you have some more trimming to do. Mine came trimmed. The only thing I had to do was get rid of the return edges on the wrists.
  6. Such a rough life!
  7. You still got this! Think adjustments will always happen no matter what!
  8. That's awesome!'
  9. Right handed. It just feels natural but trying left handed to see if can get used to it...
  10. Great bucket!
  11. That sucks! Hope Friday gets here quick for you.
  12. Awesome job!! Did the what look pink umbrella come with the apron?
  13. I looked at your photos again, only thing I can suggest is moving the TD clips so the line up with the edge of the main white piece.
  14. I'd recommend ordering some extra abs material from trooperbay then. That's what I did. He's very good at getting stuff out quickly so you can set this part aside and work on something else while you wait.
  15. To close the gap, add a shim to the inside edge of the kidney and then glue the piece of abs that covers the gap to that. You'll use ABS paste to cover the seam. Here's what people answered when I asked about it http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/26730-space-between-abs-and-kidney-pieces/ Here's link to abs paste http://www.whitearmor.net/fisd/HOWTO:ABSpaste
  16. Great idea!!
  17. Ahhhh, the memories! Keep em coming
  18. I can understand many people wanting to see and hear rumors and spoilers but to me, they take away from seeing the movie for the first time! A perfect example of a movie was the second Captain America....way to much was shown in previews. Especially when they showed the entire elevator scene before Thor 2. Then a friend posted on FB about who the bad guys were the day after it was released. While I loved the movie, all the previews and spoilers took away from the movie... As Star War fans, of course we want to to know what the powers that be have to show us but what about the fact they could be very well taking us back to our childhood, when we first saw those Stormtroopers coming through that blown door blasting at the rebel scum....Part of that joy is the surprises in store for us....we're in a hobby that very addicting, exciting, taking us back to our childhood by dressing up as TK's and passing that joy on to others.... I respect those who want to know now and can't wait to see what the next generation armor will be and when it will come out. I would ask others to respect me and others who are okay with waiting to see for the movie and seeing what the future armor will be. As a fellow TK, I would also ask everyone to respect each other's opinions as well.
  19. Never purchase TK from e-bay is a good rule to go by. A lot of great & respected armor makers here on the FISD.
  20. Sorry if you've mentioned it but have you checked out trooperbay's how to videos on you-tube? Very good videos!
  21. Hey Diana, what an awesome build. It'll be an honor to be in the ranks of centurion with you! Best of luck but it looks like you won't need it
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