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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Rezori

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  • 501st Unit
    Capital City Garrison

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  1. That's crummy! But at least you have a solution mostly. Problems are problems no matter how small or large. We are doing what we can for the world charity-wise so it's still valid! I think if they do another run of the 501 hoorags I'll hop in on that, can at least wear em as bandanas and headbands too which is pretty neat!
  2. Congrats all! Super team! I'm excited for this year and what is coming with the new movie. Love the focus on cleaning up bad attitudes and bringing the FUN!
  3. Pickles you have inspired me to try growing my hair out again!!! Mine is crazy thick too, but the two braids makes sense - also, adorable! Hans - is your balaclava loose at all? Maybe try getting a tighter one? I don't recall having an issue with that, personally!
  4. HAH! I too am a 5'5" trooper and I get this line at least three times every troop. Love hearing your guys' replies! I sometimes say "my mom says I'm just right!", but I like yours better! Our 5'9" trooper was telling me he gets that line too, I think people just say it because they want to connect with us and that's the first way they know how. Welcome and I look forward to seeing your build!
  5. Looks great to me! When you add the ears it will probably help fix whatever you find is looking 'off'. I found it didn't really start looking like a proper trooper lid till the paint went on mine!
  6. Wow, she really DID quote it perfectly!!! ;D
  7. I was growing my hair out but when my ponytail lump started affecting my helmet I chopped it off again, lol! I am going to be trying dreadlock extensions this spring so I'm thinking of piling them on top of my head and removing padding from my helmet (as needed) or just cramming them into my balaclava. Love the hoorag though, I didn't know about those! Might give that a try, thanks!
  8. I was heavily into World of Warcraft before I quit to become heavily into the 501st. My last main's name was Rezori so it was the first handle I signed up with. (Shadow priest ftw!) In hindsight I wished I had used my old art handle of 'Gadzoox!' As it more represents my personality... Buuuuut it's too late now. I have a garrison shirt with Rezori on it. Love this thread - great idea!
  9. Nice work!!!
  10. Wow - love this so much! She's adorable!!! Thank you for taking pics with a classic TK bucket as well. I've been dying to see what that looks like!
  11. Awesome! Thanks for the Canada love! It was a blast trooping at FanExpo. Imagine my surprise when I see the tallest TK ever (pretty sure Darth Aloha is 6 foot a million!) walk out and pose for photos with me - a 5'5" TK! (I have a photo showing our heights but can't post through my phone) Needless to say being short paid off when I got to lead the march solely because I was the shortest!!! I was grinning ear to ear under that frowny white bucket. Anyhow it was a blast and a pleasure meeting everyone in the Canadian Garrison and beyond. Great newsletter, I'll be keeping my eyes out for the ones to come.
  12. Got my TK approved! Please update status. Thanks TK-17771 http://www.501st.com/members/displaymemberdetails.php?userID=17038
  13. Thanks guys! I've been following the measurements provided on the extra plastic that came with the kit. and leaving a bit extra for the return edge so it's a bit more accurate. Any and all tips are appreciated! And I don't think foam alone will help with these forearms lol! I think we are going to try heat gunning & making a new return edge. I will probably end up stuffing them with foam too - I want to make sure they are proportional to the rest of the build still for sure. About to paint the insides of the untrimmed bucket - wish me luck!
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