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About Tehcaveman

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    Florida Garrison

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  1. Nice job can you post more pics ?
  2. Lol or keep in my bin as back ups in case troopers forget theirs
  3. Lol or keep in my bin as back ups in case troopers forget theirs
  4. That neck seal looks to shiny and plastic I don't like it. I'll def stick with my darman version
  5. That neck seal looks to shiny and plastic I don't like it. I'll def stick with my darman version
  6. Not sure I'm happy with the move to PVC
  7. Yay you got me !! I'm the sexy camo ARF
  8. I heard from a bird that it's is actual metal not sure how true it is but the birds been pretty spot on
  9. Damn that looks like the caveman technique
  10. All love brother.. Build to your liking and if you have to re build then you'll be come stronger for it and be able to help others out! Bondo work isn't fun trust me I have a clone lol.. So if it was me I'd wait a bit lol
  11. I understood you brother. But why would they be given a pass?. If your end goal is level 3 I'd say wait till that CRL was completed. That being said I would see the issues for level 3 being more sources and material to judge on. All we are going off of is the built tfa that was at C7 and the originals who won the lotto to build it. Unless they were privy to other materials to help source the build we don't know about its kind of hard at this point to have level 2 or 3 as the original trilogy took a while to develop even with the mass amounts of screen grabs and info.
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