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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About TK-32700

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    Norwegian Garrison
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  1. 28. Halloween visit to the childrens ward at St. Olavs Hospital, Trondheim (October 31, 2024) Photo on Norwegian Garrison's social media accounts: Facebook: facebook.com/norwegiangarrison/posts/pfbid0iYdPScwnb64LnXH6Nq7bSTu3BCRPxdirQjgj4kBQPrvVsjzLTxB1oCBR8efU8jsCl Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/501stnorwegiangarrison/p/DBzhbTNqN1G/ Barnekreftforeningen Trøndelag (Norwegian Childhood Cancer Society in Trøndelag) has a few more photos on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02LCrCzk7g3yhQeYo2PdE8vRjzTTGc9VHKBexwCoNooxmjftKxUFLrPAYXj53o5ED6l&id=100064800096195
  2. TK-32700 and TI-2096 Norwegian Garrison From the pride parade in Rana, Norway. Photo by Aline Hegglund
  3. 27. Pride parade in Mo i Rana (September 9, 2023)
  4. 26. Sandvika Town Festival (August 26, 2023) Screenshot from Make-A-Wish Norway on Instagram
  5. 25. Makerfest at the Science Center in Mo i Rana (April 22, 2023) "Magnets! How do they work?!" Photos by: Aline Hegglund
  6. Wipe the insides with a clean rag. Get rid of that moisture, immediately! Clean with a soft washcloth and warm, soapy water if needed. Any liquid soap will work fine, I use dishwashing soap. Make sure everything is dry before storage. Cracks needs to be fixed as soon as possible. I use CA glue and spare pieces of plastics for a quick fix, and ABC paste made from spare pieces melted in aceton for a more permanent fix. If possible, repair from the inside. If the repair is visible on the outside, I sand it smooth with incrementaly higher grit sandpapers, and finish off with Novus polish. Scuffs is just battle damage and bonus weathering. It looks awesome (and movie accurate!) after a few troops. But if I want to shine, I rub away the scuff marks with an eraser, and then I wipe the armor with a soft cloth and isopropyl alcohol to get rid of any grime. I finish with Novus polish. Novus should work on all plastics, also PVC, but take a look at their website to be sure. It's novuspolish.com. Thighten all screws, nuts and bolts before storage AND before the next troop. Nothing is more annoying than losing a chicago screw on the holster in the middle of a troop. If you have an emergency repair kit (and you should!), check to see if you need to refill it. @Nairy: Yellowing has nothing to do with polish, but UV and heat. All white armor will turn yellow over time. Exposure to the sun will accelerate it, so do not store your armor near a window. I also advice against storing the armor near a heat source. But you can turn yellow plastic (temporarily) white again with a hydrogen peroxide and UV treatment. The tricky part is that it is difficult (and expensive) to submerge the armor in peroxide. The common way to solve this is to make a creamy peroxide gel to smear on the armor, that sticks to the plastic while the sun does its thing. Search "Retr0bright" for a recipe. Or get a ready-to-use mixture, like Trooperbay's ArmorWhite.
  7. 24. National Day Parade in Trondheim (Photo credit: Mari Danielsen)
  8. 23. Makerfest at the Science Center in Mo i Rana
  9. 22. Pink Ribbon Run Mo i Rana Fundraising run for breast cancer awareness.
  10. I agree with gmrhodes13, adding strapping to the chest will help. I have the same bracket system as you, but with added straps: I would also suggest that you reposition your helmet a bit. This will help with the floating in the back. When wearing the helmet, the faceplate should be at an angle pointing up. Something like this: ( \ Not like this: ( | And definetly not like this: ( / You want to push the helmet forward because that makes it easier to see out of the lenses. But resist this urge, the less you see the more correct it will look.
  11. 20. Nordic Garrison May the 4th Online Celebration 2021 Video on NG's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/nordicgarrison/videos/975144449956887/ I'm the TK running with balloons in the beginning. 21. Vilda Kidz World Asthma Day 2021 Video of us doing the Asthma Jump Challenge on Vilda Kidz' Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/vildakidz/videos/781799995872501/ I'm the TK in front of a brown(ish) wall outside.
  12. 19. Nordic Garrison Advent Calendar 2020 Day 2: https://www.facebook.com/nordicgarrison/photos/a.10150713967620286/10157327237815286/
  13. Well, I spoke enthusiastically about the 501st when I applied for the job (maybe that's what landed me the job...?), so they knew from the start. And any co-workers that didn't know by then, understood once I took time off from work six months later to go to Celebration Orlando. I guess the 32 hour travel time - one way - tipped them off to the fact that Star Wars is something I enjoy.
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