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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About lorddavids

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  • Location
    Genova, Italy
  • Interests
    Guitar, Economics


  • Centurion Granted Date
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    Italica Garrison first Centurion

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  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Italica Garrison

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  1. I've just sent a pm! Thanks Wibowo
  2. Thanks Fabio, I'm totally proud of you! You're armor is great, as I saw during the last Sunday! Davide
  3. Nice work!! Congratulations Niccolò!
  4. Hi folks, I need to repair some cracks on my 3 year old TK armor, but they seem to be unrepairable because everytime reparations get broken. These cracks are in friction areas but also visible. I've followed some tips found here: CA glue ABS paste scrap ABS strips glued with CA glue or ABS paste but they seem not to work. Can you help me before they get bigger? Thank you in advance I've attached the main ones belt: chest plate: as you can see I put an ABS lump behind the chestplate as last solution, after tried with CA glue and scrap ABS strips, but has been vain..
  5. Hi guys, I need some information about Shocktrooper: Strapping system: I know the original ROTJ system based on velcro, but is it acceptable to instal an ANH system with snaps without using velcro and being eligible for level 2/3? Overlap measures: I'm more accustomed to ANH cover strip measures; for ROTJ/Shocktrooper overlap width is the same as for ANH cover strip? I mean that biceps and forearm overlap is 15mm, thighs and front shins overlap is 20mm while behind is 25 mm Idea for attaching the thigh ammo pack without visible rivets? Maybe glueing with E6000? PLASTI DIP® is okay for coating? Thanks in advance
  6. Great! Congratulations!
  7. Very interesting! Well done, guys
  8. If R1 sandtroopers without backpack exist, how can you distinguish from a R1 tk??
  9. So sandtroopers without backpacks don't exist?
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