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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by T-Jay

  1. He is already aware
  2. Outstanding work, Ian! Feeling ashamed now for simply using a board marker pen in my build for this. Yours looks so much better While looking at your pictures and never having done a pipe build before: will you paint the INSIDE of the receiver barrel black? If yes, how? All through that charging handle slot?
  3. Nice text to start your build Following Looking forward to your next update...
  4. Vern, I am currently a bit confused by your picture above. You said it shows a real bolt handle and charging assembly. According to Derrek's comment about the pipe I assume it is one of Derrek's CNC milled aluminum pipes, correct? But it looks like something is wrong, because we can't see the little extractor in full length. Is that opening port too small or is that charging handle slot oversized and the handle gets too close?
  5. Let's see what Derrek could do with the new DVH kits when reworking several molds...
  6. After seeing how you did the dovetail on the full resin version, the first idea in my mind for the pipe was to place some green stuff on the upper inside of the barrel and then cut that dovetail. Well, that was just the first idea. There might be better or easier ways...
  7. Hallo Niklaas, Körpergröße und Gewicht stellen bei dir schonmal kein Problem dar. Schließe mich Karin an: von Troopergear habe ich ebenfalls noch nichts gehört. Auch der genannte Preis ist realistisch und viele vermeiden aus genau diesem Grund Anlässe wie Karneval (musst ggfs. mit Beschädigungen wegen der Unachtsamkeit von anderen Leuten rechnen). TM und RS liefern Top-Qualität, sind fair und zuverlässig. Wartezeiten sind bei diesem Hobby jedoch unumgänglich - können aber für die Beschaffung anderer Teile genutzt werden, oder um einen Blaster zu bauen. Kostet auch wieder ein paar Taler... Du sprichst von einem Display und da solltest du dir nach einer ausführlichen Einarbeitung ins Thema genau überlegen, welche Art von Trooper du machen willst (Hero oder Stunt? screen accurate oder idealisiert?). Ganz am Anfang dachte ich auch "die Schwarz-weissen" eben. Aber es gibt eine Vielzahl an kleinen Unterschieden. Bitte genau einlesen (oder Fragen stellen) damit du anschließend deinen Kauf nicht bereust. Viel Spaß.
  8. Aaron, you're a crazy guy When I saw the clean cut on these pictures, I already thought this can not be from your first steel pipe build. Then read you are disassembling and cleaning a parts set... Awesome! Ideas came into my mind. Few people are recently talking about 'another project'...
  9. Wow, somehow I had missed the latest progress on this thread (was busy with other things ) Half a year ago I also thought about using real rivets in the folding stock but didn't do it. Seeing your photos now makes me think: why didn't I ? It looks really great - as your front sight pin. I think this is the best self made pin I've seen here and can only agree to what others already said: you've taken this to a new level, Brian. And you did the dovetail, wow! That looks so cool. Can't wait to get some side and top view pictures when block and pin are installed. Just wondering how this dovetail could be done with one of Derrek's nice pipes... Maybe a challenge for Aaron to take a picture of the inside of the receiver, with muzzle and inner barrel removed...
  10. Ian, that piece looks good to me. Go for it. If you want to have less coils on your spring, what about stretching it and cutting off some coils? You could do that step by step. The spring might get even softer when doing this...
  11. Hey Brian, good to have you back. Nice work on that front sight! Can't wait to see it completed and installed...
  12. Fully agree to what Derrek and Aaron said. Awesome work, Ian! Was suprised about the look of that pattern on the front sight shield, but I am sure it will reduce when applying more layers of paint... Incredible work on the counter as well. Got some green stuff left over? And a key file? Cause I just noticed I should have posted these earlier... Sorry, man. Feeling really bad for posting this so late
  13. Regarding size and positioning of that plastic stripe: please check some original reference pictures for this. To me it currently looks a bit wide.
  14. Had some problems posting pictures a while back, too. It always worked with the image button (see red circle below). And since 1. of August last year, only the BBCode worked on my flickr-account (see blue circle below) Have you tried that BBCode Mode already? Maybe that works... -----------
  15. Well, I can't tell of any additional weight only by applying that plasti dip spray paint (maybe in combination with other things). But I definitely found some nice side effects: - No more light can shimmer through the thin vac-formed ABS, which keeps the inside very dark and that makes the green lens look really black. - It also gets even harder to see the wearer’s eyes behind the lens. - If you watch the back side of a TK, many times you’ll be able to see straight into the helmet. The black interior then is an advantage. I’ll also use a balaclava for my TK display to avoid seeing any skin or mannequin parts.
  16. Just painted mine with plasti-dip and replaced the white foam.
  17. Hi John, it's really fun to see your fast progress. Not sure if you used the correct grub screw on the magazine housing. There are two of them in the set: short (5mm) and long (10mm) and these have different diameters! Can't surely tell from your pictures, but you might have mixed them up. Use the big one in the magazine housing, while the small one is for the front sight. And the two metal screws in the scope front are to be placed a bit deeper inside (heads not outstanding).
  18. Thanks for the flowers, John You're on a good way with this build...
  19. Due to the fact that a specific spring diameter is required (inner AND outer), specific wire thickness, length and number of coils (and that pressure issue to the end cap), I left the idea of a real one and decided to go for the non functional (but real looking) spring. But mine was just for a TK display. You have to ask yourself how important the operational charging handle is for you...
  20. Good progress, John. It all looks so easy on your pictures. If the other parts from that set can be integrated so easy too, you're going to make a new speed record Just one thing: In your last two pictures it looks like you could hollow out a bit more of the folding stock. The inlay is clearly visible, but it makes the folding stock appear very thick at that section.
  21. This is going to get tricky, as a real spring might put some serious pressure to your end cap mechanism and might blow this away. This could possibly get reduced by cutting off some coils at the end. But at least you still want the 11 coils visible through that slot, so you may have to work with a huge spacer in your end cap... Will keep my fingers crossed for your local search.
  22. That depends on what holes you mean. Pictures would really help us to help you . The big holes on the bottom side can be drilled, while the small holes on the side are not to be drilled through (these simulate rivets).
  23. Nice start, John Really curious on how you will do things in this build. Following...
  24. Yep, it was also posted in one of the larger threads about the Ep.7 stormtrooper armor, but it's nice to watch anyway.
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