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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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Everything posted by T-Jay

  1. Understood. What a shame. Would have been awesome however. No problem. Anytime. You can use CA glue, E6000 or a combination of both. In some cases even green stuff can work like an adhesive. You can use a thin piece from a sheet of spring steel (like in the picture below), or cut a small spring from a ballpoint pen to shape. Well I have come across a few original scopes with some sort of 'enhancement' on the small lens. It was only the ribbed section though, but looked like simply screwed onto the front end. Here is an example. Maybe Brian @Bulldog44 can chime in and tell us more...
  2. Scope looks great so far, Marko. If you could place that display at the same location where the reticle lens is supposed to sit (see below), you would get a working magnification. Just an idea but I am not sure if there is enough space in the hollowed scope body, as I not yet had this display in hands.
  3. Glad to have you back Jesse and nice build progress.
  4. Yes Chris, spam folder has been checked, but nothing was in there. No email notifications since the server move. In this comment, Eric (@Darth Aloha) said: "I wouldn’t be surprised if some folks aren’t getting email. We did change the to way mail is sent. We’ll take a peek soon."
  5. Armor looks great. Good luck for your approval.
  6. Thanks very much Chris
  7. Hello everybody, I am halfway there and can log in again. Not sure who did what, so first of all I want to thank every person here who helped getting my account up and running again. A very big special THANK YOU goes out to Brian @Bulldog44 who immediately took action. Not only did he start this thread here to raise attention for my login problem. He also updated me via email, so at least I had an idea of what was going on. Can't thank you enough for this, man. Above I said "halfway there" because meanwhile I am able to log in again, but still have the original problem: the FISD does not send me email-notifications for anything. It never was a password issue, only an email issue. That means, I miss every private message until I log in next time. Did anybody ever experience the same issue and/or has any idea how to fix this? Is there anything at all I can do, or is it a technical thing for the webmaster(s)? Any help is highly appreciated.
  8. Not sure if this is the correct thread to post this in, but it is the only one I found covering issues with the server move, so I give it a try: Is anybody aware of issues with notifications from FISD via email? Since the server move, I don't get any emails for incoming PMs and other things. Just me?
  9. Hi Dave, to me your armor looks well built. Maybe you get asked to shorten some cover stripes on the arms and to raise the belt a little bit. But I am no expert on this. Let's wait and see... Loving your removable holster Good luck with your level 2 request.
  10. Great looking armor. Good luck with your Centurion request.
  11. Well written post, Laura - and a good choice to go for one of Troopermaster's kits. Glad the build worked good and you finally got approved. Good luck with requesting EI
  12. The photo with the primer looks good so far. The only thing I would suggest, is aligning the counter to make it parallel to the main receiver barrel. Curious to see this blaster with black paint...
  13. Welcome aboard, Karli. The good thing on this rare costume is, you can spot yourself on every group photo. Have fun with that unique armor.
  14. Hi Nicole, great looking armor. Joseph already stated the points to work on and I am sure you will soon be approved and can go ahead for the L3 application. If you plan to use this armor for trooping, I would kindly suggest to rebuild the clips from your thermal detonator. They are very thin. Just yesterday I attended a troop and watched a fellow TK standing with his back towards a simple barrier tape. When he walked away, the thin plastic tape was tangled up with his TD, so it got ripped off his belt and dropped to the floor. Luckily undamaged. When I picked it up to add it to his belt again, I noticed the clips were very thin - like on your TD.
  15. Welcome to the ranks Mark - and best regards to sunny California
  16. Maybe it is just the photo, but the upper edge of the magazine could use some sanding. On the other hand, the primer will tell, if it really needs... Looking forward to the pictures from your next update...
  17. Here you go, Ethan https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/28444-fs-completion-sets-for-e-11-resin-kits-with-worldwide-tracked-shipping-and-paypal/
  18. Sorry to hear the folding stock broke again. Especially after all the hollowing work you spent into it. Maybe some metal supports (like in the picture below) would have been useful. However, your current attempt to fix it also looks very promising...
  19. Scope: The whole body was made from brass and then covered with black paint. The brass is only visible on both sides of the rear foot and because of wear and tear. Counter: Yes, the housing with the window was grey, while the metal socket was cadmium plated (closest color would be brass or gold). The small connector block was black or sometimes grey. Here you can find some references.
  20. Welcome to the ranks, Rob. Just noticed you recently requested TK pre-approval. Any plans to go for EIB and Centurion?
  21. Wow Paul! What a work of art. Without any doubt, this is a very special blaster. Mission absolutely accomplished. Many builders (including me) spent much time in the recreation of fine details. During trooping, they are simply overlooked, as there is so much more to see... With this build, you focussed on the right kind of detail, because 2 displays, the sound and the LEDs in the barrel are hard to overlook. Once you start trooping, I guess many people will be fascinated by your blaster. Gotta go now. Feeling the need to build a new E-11 again...
  22. Scratch builds always put a smile on my face. I really like the individual approaches. Keep it up.
  23. Alright Jesse, here are the dimensions of the spring cup: OD on smaller end: 24 mm OD on end with lip: 29 mm total length: 33 mm Its not that easy. As you have already noticed, the spring cup rests between two springs. When pulling back the charging handle, both springs will compress - with different characteristics. Meaning, the spring cup will move a bit back or forth. That is why the ROTEB (rear of the exposed bolt) is hollowed, to give room for the cup to dive into. Or to be more accurate: The actual moving part is the inner bolt. When in sliding backwards in action, its rear end covers the cup and hides it inside. Does that make any sense?
  24. Wow, great attention to the details in a scratch build. Very nice to read - following...
  25. Guessing the first of many more troops to come... ?! Welcome to the ranks.
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