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About Logon

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  1. The hype!
  2. 178-179cm need any more measurements?
  3. Do that offer extend to Swedes as well?
  4. Really nice work Soren! Can't you make a rear sight and saftey or buy it from the states? Do you know if doopy makes a kit?
  5. Looking forward to it Soren!
  6. Yeah, i will most def weather mine or atleast put paint the stock the right color.
  7. I think it has a bit to do with budget / time, as SorenM said So Loakes if you have Time / Money and Tkboots if you have neither
  8. It's not that secret you can find the name on the forum
  9. As the others i chose not too because they weather faster, i may think about putting on a finisher when they are good and weathered
  10. Good thing it is hollow but the problem is that it's hard to get stuff into it unless you try and push them in from the front of the barrel.
  11. Nice! I really like the finish on the DLT-19 as you get it because i think it's a nice color! I think i will probably just paint the buttstock and do some metal weathering but i really want to keep it at a minimum.
  12. Got mine today, the buttstock was broken clean off but i just fixed it with some two part epoxy and it looks like new! Really nice details and weight, the only problem is that the T-tracks are wrong.
  13. Got mine today, the buttstock was broken clean off but i just fixed it with some two part epoxy and it looks like new! Really nice details and weight, the only problem is that the T-tracks are wrong.
  14. No problem but Daniel again? It's David or Logon pick one ;D
  15. Daniel really? Mine got shipped out this saturday, really hope it's not the same but it probably is otherwise i will have to get into modding it which sucks.
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