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Linkboy Cadet69

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Linkboy Cadet69

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    Winnipeg, Mb Canada

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  • Name
    James Joe
  • 501st Unit
    Canadian Garrison

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  1. This is really sad too hear that a GML is already rejecting this Ano-vos kit without it being in a recruit's troopers hands yet... If this is the kind of responses people are going to get for a belt rivet when submitting for approval will jest show how ______ people in the legion can be... We jest past the 7000 member mark of active members and will the GML's plan on rejecting 5000 recruit’s because of such a small detail??? Please tell me this isn’t so!!! As for the kit, I already see the drain in the pocket book this must be for prop masters out there seeing maybe 5000 trooper kits being produced!!! Jest think of it this way, how many years would you have taken too produce this many kits from the home base prop masters out there…I have an AP kit great respect to my prop master I love my kit... In the long run this is a great boost to The 501st Legion, I don’t know why some people can’t see this!!! I wonder jest how much poop I’m going to get for this one!!! Lol This is jest my opinion…
  2. Thank You for all your hard work... Well done News update, Salute!!!
  3. Requesting 501st Access. TK64283 http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=16016&costumeID=125 Thank You...
  4. Nice looking kit and extra parts too play in the sand ... Bonus!!! It will be nice to hear cursing in french for a change !!! Will be watching your build, Troop on...
  5. Please Enable me for 501 Access TK64283 http://www.501st.com/members/displaymember.php?userID=16016&costumeID=125
  6. Well I'm 49 and have jest finished my first costume "ANH Hero". And if your wondering when I seen the Movie Star Wars ANH with some friends, we paid $1.75 to get in the theatre, Lg. pop corn was .65c, and a drink was .50c... was two weeks allowance. As I remember we hide in the emergency fire exit so we could see the movie three times… God that was fun!!! May the force be with you… lol
  7. I'm doing the trimming myself so I have some cut off abs from the costume. I was going too use white Cordova "a thin Canvice†& white strapping for strength" too fill the space. with snaps to connect the ab too the kidney plate on the side...
  8. I'm building an Authentic Props TK from Montreal, and I'm 235 pounds. Its working out well, I am building too the max measurements of the costume so I'm looking to lose weight long term "have to hit the gym over the winter" and stick too a program to stay in the suit. I am vary happy with AP. It's a good build... I jest need to get some final touches done to get my qualifications for 501st... All I need is a couple photos of the space, Ab and Kidney plate under the arms. There is a gap their that I can't figure out what too fill it with "Black strapping or white abs"???
  9. Can you show the final work on the ab/ kidney shims under the arms you used too complete the area... two photos would be good one on the inside for sure... Thanks james
  10. Can you show the final work on the ab/ kidney shims under the arms you used too complete the area... two photos would be good one on the inside for sure... Thanks james
  11. Abdomen Plate Also is the Abdomen plate get cut, under the belt from the crotch??? I have seen both done so I'm stuck on what too do!!!
  12. I'm trying too get my build up too Level 3 standard this is the last bit too work on!!!
  13. I have looked at several posts on ANH Hero builds and can’t find good close-up photos for the space between Abdomen plate and kidney plate on the side under the arms… Can someone post a few photos for ANH Hero, of the strapping/ shims between the Abdomen plate and the kidney plate on the right and left side? Can you also give a description of the materiel used? I was going too use white Cordova or white strapping between the two but not sure what one too use… Or do I use black strapping???
  14. Yes treat it like a hole from a door nob in dry wall... Put a patch on the back side and fill the money side with ABS paste in two layer's... One layer too fill the hole and a fine finish coat... Let dry and harden a few days, best bet!!!
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