The bottom two links you posted are the only ones worth looking at. MTK is Mike of, and CAP TK is 'Scootch' here on the boards (if I'm not mistaken?). Both are reputable sellers of accurate 501st approvable armor. They represent the .5% of good stormtrooper armor on ebay. The other three links you posted are the other 99.5%, the stuff you want to stay FAR away from. They are either bad FX recasts, or sellers posting images of something other than what would actually get. Like the 3rd link, for example. The default photo shows a Master Replicas helmet while the rest of the images show a completely different, VERY inaccurate 3-piece helmet kit. Major regrets if you were to buy one of those. Glad you found the FISD before that happened! So, MTK or CAP would be good purchases. You can email Mike or Scootch directly here on the boards. Good luck cadet!