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Everything posted by TK8280

  1. Yes, good advice...and unfortunately, I don't know of any semi quality armor that costs the same or less than an FX kit
  2. yes...better price than you will find on any auction cites, and less than I had to pay for mine a year and a half ago
  3. I would say that is the going price for a raw FX kit, i wouldn't pay any more than that
  4. I thought a fella on the MEPD boards was selling the FX armor without helmet for $350.00
  5. No, I haven't got that yet, thats really weird!
  6. You can always buy a white "rubbermade" or any other white plastic trash can from the pound store and cut some pieces off of that to shim with
  7. sounds like you will have to shim them with extra ABS
  8. I agree, I don't care about who made what or if someone knows more than me, alls I care about is different armor types, and directing people in the direction they want to go, not in a sence forcing them
  9. Oh No...don't start with having delusions of grandeur about me in any administrative position not in my condition that is
  10. Actually, as members of this forum it is all of our responsibilty...
  11. True, but then we can separate the two canons...the "Original trilogy", and the "new TV stuff" But, realistically, I only believe in 1 canon, and that is in the films, not some TV spin off ...because with that, were does the canon end?
  12. Does anyone know what the best way it would be for me to take existing decals off of my helmet?
  13. I would also trim the bottom of at least the back plate
  14. for this part I would wear your belt above the "cut" line, and trim the top of your kidney part to get that "gap" look...at least for the photo's
  15. your going to catch the disease of being detail oriented!
  16. yup! 4 black, the rest gloss white http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f39/Fire.../SE_Trooper.jpg
  17. I agree 100%..this forum is for 501st Hopefuls, and those who want to expand thier knowledge about the standard TK's
  18. don't worry Scott, you didn't start it... its existed for a long time
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