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501st Member[501st]
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Everything posted by The5thHorseman

  1. Nice, is it a kid kit? More seriously though,looking at the picture i think you should lengthen a bit the three straps between the abdominal plate and the chest plate. Right now, because they're too short, they're pulling the abdominal plate down creating a shift at the side junctions and a gap at the crotch. Unfortunately with your height you will have much difficulties keeping the abdominal buttons fully uncovered. Once again, using Luke's reference, it doesn't look silly if the ab buttons are half covered
  2. Absolutely nothing should prevent you from getting Centurion and so on EIB! Your armor is really wonderful, and the pictures are gorgeous too! In fact the only thing that might be a concern is your ear bumps rank painting. Our DO may require for both painted black bumps to be the last one. The biceps and thighs sizing shouldn't affect your application, but i agree it would be good to resize them when time will come.
  3. BTW, Minuteman has done an excellent diagram of the different armor makers family-tree. You might be interrested in reading it if you haven't already done it : http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/26414-trooper-armor-familiy-tree-an-experiment/#entry333188
  4. You didn't understand me, i wasn't criticizing the fellow troopers who bought from NE but the armor makers of NE. Period.
  5. Also keep in mind that most of the guys who sell those kits do not do it on their free time. It's their living! How would you react if someone would steal your job without being able to do anything against it?
  6. These are even better for ESB: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/26361-fs-sets-of-esb-silkscreened-styled-decals/
  7. Actually, some suits had this front snap on the right shoulder of the chest plate
  8. In addition of the 501st approval, i'd like to add that this armor is FISD approved Congratulations Diana!
  9. They made really nice custom-replicas of e-11 for ANH/ESB which were screen-used. I do not know precisely what material they used, others blaster armourers would certainly know it, but here's an interesting link about the specificities of these blasters: http://www.originalprop.com/blog/movie-guns/star-wars-episode-iv-a-new-hope/ Also here's a comparison thread posted by a fellow membner of the German Garrison: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/25183-blaster-comperison-bapty10-vs-bapty20/ And a very recent build thread, once again by a German member: http://www.whitearmor.net/forum/topic/26834-making-of-tunisian-e-11-blaster/#entry339585
  10. Have you ever thought about doing a Bapty blaster Aaron?
  11. Clearly not NE. Looks more like ATA for me. If so you can go for it, it's a nice kit.
  12. Helmet looks great, but actually i've never seen a helmet with so few vertical lines in the rear traps. They're usually 11, or 12, or 13:
  13. Drop boxes are fine, as the TD clips. Pics taken from the reference pictures: Would be good to put some white paint on those side rivets though.
  14. You don't really need a return edge at the top as it will be covered by the shoulder bell. Just keep a little one at the indent. And keep it minimal at the bottom, it will help preventing pinches.
  15. if you're using Chrome you can also do it that way: 1°/ Right click on your picture opened in your browser and select "Copy image" 2°/ Then right click on the text zone and select "Past" 3°/ Done
  16. If the magazine would have been chopped off above the magazine clip pin, it shouldn't be there:
  17. I don't think Paul would have ever built an armor without the brackets
  18. All this uber accurate stuff and you are wondering if you will use the accurate brackets?!? It's nonsense Good luck with the build!
  19. Excellent work once again on that magazine. You are... talented!! I kind of feel guilty now, it was so much easier for me as i used the same magazine than DarthChridan
  20. That picture should be pinned! This is night and day
  21. Thanks go to you too Diana! Your build thread has been such a pleasure to follow And yes, the thing that always bothers me during trooping is when people ask for a helmet off picture at the end of the troop. I always think: "Damn, my hair must be a mess... "
  22. Sniper knee plate looks so easy with TM And indeed the end caps seem a bit short, they should be around 20mm:
  23. Take the helmet off picture BEFORE all the others (it's hard to comb your hair with the chemical gloves )!
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