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About Barcode

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    Tampa, FL United States
  • Interests
    Running. Rock climbing. Drinking good IPA's. My fiancé "GloomCookie" TK-88421. My puppies (Jasper/Luna). Astronomy. Anything celestial in nature. Tattoos. Canada! Instagram ben_a_sarus


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    Florida Garrison

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  1. Megan doesn't have that issue and we are in FL. Not sure exactly what is causing that for you guys.....
  2. Im with Mike here. In all honesty...... why would any one individual care if a Legacy TK is "out" of her bucket at a Convention (Despite it being a troop or not)? If your local, "Man or woman in charge" green lights it, then don't worry about what doesn't involve you. Do not misunderstand my post. I am stating my opinion here. I am not making any personal attacks. EVERYONE has the right to their own opinion. Cheers guys and gals. Relax and have a beer.
  3. Hum, I don't get it. I still cannot open the page.
  4. Looks great guys! I'd recommend painting the inside of the helmet black if you haven't done so. You can just paint brush it in to make it easy.
  5. Looks pretty good mate. Cheers!
  6. I was just curious if there is something going on with our main site? I've tried to go to the site multiple times from different laptops and wifi connections and it will not load. Just curious if theres an issue currently. Thanks.
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