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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About djrue

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    Imperial Sands Garrison

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  1. Curious as well. Doesn't seem that you'd be able to make shoulder gaskets out of these as they appear rectangular in shape. Look decent for elbow and knees though.
  2. not screen used but wondering if the back of belt boxes will be white like this statue
  3. I replied to your email... You're getting there. First thing I notice is that your chest should overlap your abs. There should not be any visible gap there. You can also tuck your biceps under your shoulder bells slightly which will give you a bit more mobility in your arms. Is all of your strapping in place? As for your legs you could trim certain areas for comfort but keep in mind that you're not going to be easily bending down and picking up anything while wearing armor. Your left calve could be fixed by adding a larger cover strip to the back which would close the gap. However, the best way would be to either order a new calve or fuse a new piece of abs to make the calve larger. The latter is a little bit more complicated.
  4. Great job on the blaster details.
  5. Nice! Was their space already inside the areas where you put the lights or did you have to cut away some room for the electronics to fit.
  6. Maganda Jim! Looks excellent.
  7. blaster looks excellent. Kudos on a great print job. Did you do any sanding at all?
  8. Looking forward to your progress. I say tackle the thermal detonator and back/yoke first.
  9. Looks good. Is this printed from Sean Fields files?
  10. Ahhh got it. Thanks Tony. So PPG over regular bondo because of better flexability and less likely to crack?
  11. Where / how did you use the Glazing Putty? https://www.amazon.com/Fibreglass-Evercoat-411-Poly-Flex-Polyester/dp/B000P6US6A?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00
  12. got it. Thanks
  13. Perfect. how about the other side, same process?
  14. Also Trooper talk app just released today on iOS App Store
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