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Tesla Kinetic

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Tesla Kinetic

  1. I am finishing up my TK and now is the time to give me advice! Anyone...anyone...Beuller?

  2. I wish all colors where called out. Wouldn't that make this process easier? If french blue is vogue, then make it known officially. I hate that I am going to have to repaint because I didn't choose my colors on a whim.
  3. Thanks! It was a "Pants Optional" kind of day. Yeah, a lot of debate going around about what blue is correct. I used what I was told I could. There really isn't a specific color called out as far as I know. Right now, I just want to get enlisted...
  4. Sniper knee plate drying now...getting closer!

    1. Jarek_Solan


      awesome dude! I'm getting my armor in this week. Say what sort of boots are you getting? Where did you get them? I saw a pair at Lands Ends End, http://www.landsend.com/products/mens-fulton-chelsea-boots/id_228833

      they need to be painted white though....any thoughts?

  5. Could you post a picture so I know if the ones I got are correct? Thanks!
  6. .....annnnnnnd, I'm back! Ok, so how is the placement of my thigh ammo belt looking?
  7. Ok, so my sniper knee plate did not line up well with the shin. So I took apart my shin and reset the two shin pieces so that the were properly aligned. The deference was minor. Does the AP sniper plate simply not fit onto the shin by lining up the grooves? Does it require EXTREME heat gun distortion to get it to appear straight?
  8. Split, Cap and Pop rivets? Which of those are considered standard rivets? I see I cannot use standard rivets and so want to avoid them.
  9. Do you think the top horizontal lines are straight enough when compared to the actual mold line? It is pretty close...
  10. ...paint, glue, repeat...

  11. Helmet painting progress and test images: Using blue painter's tape... This one turned out good... This one, mot so much...I think a toothpick may clean it up after it has dried...
  12. Tim! How are you, man!? Good to great from you ! I already did just that! I used both a pencil and tape...we shall see how it works! Next, sniper plate and knee ammo pack! I...am...getting...there...!
  13. Suggestions on how I can verify that? Using the blu ray SW?
  14. Are they? Any guide you know of that *is* correct, Mathias? What should the width be?
  15. YES! How the heck did you find these?! I searched and searched! You win the awesome award!
  16. So I cannot afford to buy one, anyone have a template for making a paint mask for the helmet stripes?
  17. Can you explain in greater detail how this works? I don't get it...
  18. I simple cannot find the lovely helmet painting tutorial on here. Where someone started out by using a pencil to mark paint areas... Does anyone know who posted that, or can send me the link???
  19. Starting to paint the details on my helmet today...wish me luck!
  20. How much of the kidney plate's top return edge do you guys suggest I can remove and still achieve centurion status? Nothing on the requirements about it, but I see much discussion regarding this. Mine cuts into my sides a bit.
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