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About derekduvalle

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    Enfield U.K.

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  1. Thanks for the template, I have been following this thread for a while hoping someone will post a template, well done.
  2. John has just posted this on the UKGarrison forum: Hi, If anyone is having problems getting hold of me or trying to view my website, this message is for you. I am having problems with email and my website at the moment. Normal service should resume in a day or two, but if you need to get hold of me in the mean time please drop me a PM here on the boards. Thanks for you time and paitences guys & girls! Cheers, John...
  3. Thanks Liz, I can't wait to see your finished lid.
  4. Here's some pics of my completed AP helmet.
  5. I have fitted the lens material supplied by Peter, just the hovi's to do.
  6. Thanks Peter, the lens materials arrived safely!
  7. Hey Liz I've just looked at your website, now I know why your handpainting the decals, and why your lines appear to be very straight, there is some amazing artwork there, you are very talented, I especially love the emperor & General Veers, Oh and the self portrait...!!!
  8. I also had to cut the rear decals as they are too big, also they dont have a black line at the bottom so I used some pinstripping tape I got from my local hobbystores. I also used the tape around the grey earpieces. Thanks Stukatrooper, look forward to getting it!
  9. Hi Liz A couple more pics of my AP, just need to put the mesh behind the frown, instal the new lenses (thanks Stukatrooper) and the hovi tips (thanks stomper) when they arrive. I am really pleased with the way its turning out, although I did have a little mishap and accidently put a few minor scratches in the top of the lid, hopefully some Novus will sort it out, when I get some. I have used the decals but your handpainted decals look a lot better and more in keeping with the original helmets, my painting skills aren't that good. I have changed the brow slightly and put a little uplift in it Keep up the good work!
  10. Just a quick pic of my "work in progress" AP helmet. Some minor cleaning up to do and frown/vocoder/ears to be painted etc. , but so far I am very pleased, especially with the ears which are quiet a good fit. I may also reposition the brow trim a little higher...!
  11. Troops were good thanks. Saturdays all-dayer was a killer though, very HOT, but still an excellent day.
  12. I received my AP on Friday, been trooping on Friday night at TOYS R US and all day Saturday, so I have only just started work on mine today. Rough trim work completed just working on cleaning up the eyes etc. I will post some completed pics soon.
  13. Hi -------------- This guy has a very long tutorial made up of 9 Minute episodes. The full tutorial is nearly 5 Hrs. He spends quiet a long time just on the helmet (episode 10, about 8 parts to this episode) . The rest of the tutorial is on all other aspects of building a Stormtrooper Armor suit. Well worth a watch. I am currently building my 1st suit and have started with the helmet, I like a challenge. I attatched the front to the top temporarily with a couple of very small bolts, the holes of which are covered by the trim, and then attached the back, with the ears, and then the top. He does it the way the instructions state but the tutorial is still worth watching as there are a few tips in there.
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