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Detachment Staff[Staff]
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About gmrhodes13

Member Title

  • Position
    PRO - Newsletter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Down Under


  • FISD Achievement Medals
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  • Attache Achievement Award
  • Centurion Granted Date
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  • FISD Kudos
    First TFA, TLJ, TLJ-E , TFU Centurion, TFU TK Crl.

Standard Info

  • Name
    Q - (Glen)
  • 501st ID
  • 501st Unit
    Desert Scorpion Garrison
  • Troops Completed

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  1. Not one I've seen before but then I'm not looking on Etsy for armor, very soft details so it may be a recast of someone else's work. Pre trimmed by the looks, not always helpful for sizing, just a few things that stand out, cut belt corners too big, no sniper knee plate or shoulder straps in those photos either. Although it can be a little more expensive I would advise not to purchase from and stick with the vetted sellers, cheaper isn't always better
  2. I find Do3d are not as accurate as other makers, most go for GA files, although I know this maker also has some mcflyprint3d Really depends on the makers licence for the use of the files, modifying for personal use should be ok but doesn't hurt to ask, the maker may either add your updates or modify the files himself. I'm sure others would be interested in the updated files.
  3. You could go back to an earlier post in your troop log and edit it, (perhaps this one) BUT the problem there is the total of troops would be wrong for all your troops after that one and you would have to edit every post. Link to EDIT is in the top right corner of you posts. I think I would just add it to your next post and update the total
  4. Unfortunately not at 15, you have to be 18 to join. There is a group for those under 18 called Galactic Academy http://www.galactic-academy.net/
  5. You may want to add some white paint to the rims of the Hovi's Correct Aerators/Hovi-MIX tips are present. Screens used shall be of a wide type mesh, with the rim of the mic and the inside white or painted white. Also remove any paint on the gums Frown is painted gray and does not leave the teeth area. A total of 8 cut outs in the teeth area of the frown are present. Looking forward to seeing your other images Good luck trooper
  6. Congratulations trooper and welcome to Expert Infantry and the EI Honor Gallery
  7. Welcome aboard, looking forward to seeing the progress, good luck with the build
  8. Great support, nice work trooper
  9. Can take a few days, A.C. @NoVATie is not on the forum everyday, please standby
  10. Nice work trooper
  11. Hello and welcome aboard trooper
  12. All the images need to be posted in the CRL thread (or sent to our DL @themaninthesuitcase), backgrounds are edited and there needs to be a last look over the text. Once that is complete it is sent to the Legion Membership Officer team to decide if the CRL is complete and meets their requirements and ready for inclusion into the legion. More info on the process https://databank.501st.com/databank/Costuming:CRLGuide Notes to Keep in Mind Typically as much time will be spent researching and looking at reference sources as it will take to make / assemble the costume. Ideally, there are clear full body pictures of the front, side, and back. When in doubt, email and ask [email protected], providing all reference for the character in question. Understand that a CRL undergoes many revisions by many people before publishing and that it is possible that there are multiple people working on the same costume at the same time. There are no guidelines on creating a new costume aside from reference material, and a costumer may be asked to change things multiple times. Understand that a CRL is not intended to be a detailed how-to on costume construction; rather it is a visual guide to be used for 501st costume approval. Detailed instructions, designs, and specific measurements are to be recorded within the detachment forum’s WIP documentation. The costume will not be approved in the Membership Database until all of the steps to create the CRL are completed. The wait period from completion of costume to approval can be lengthy. Pictures of the costume being worn, as well as costume parts requested. The first completed costume is not always the CRL model. Sometimes multiple applicants images are used to complete a CRL. Images should be captured against a simple, contrasting background, at high resolution, with good lighting. The Detachment and/or LMO may ask for assistance in writing the text of the CRL, but this is not always the case. Before any CRL goes live, it will be reviewed, edited, and approved by the LMO Team. Once approved, the new costume will be added to the membership database, and the CRL published on the wiki (Databank).
  13. Always rewarding hospital troops, nice work trooper
  14. I have not been successful with PETG as yet, a lot of stringing, they say it takes practice to dial it in but it does my head in constantly testing, will get back to trying again when I have nothing on.
  15. A lot of WTF builds on the forum which have gone through similar matching issues, here's a few for reference. You will find most use abbreviated armor makers names in the title of the build threads Having a build thread is a great way of showing your progress, asking questions and getting feedback https://www.whitearmor.net/forum/forum/80-anh-build-threads/ Grear thread on return edges/trimming Good luck with the build
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