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Geaux Saints

501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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About Geaux Saints

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    Clinton, MS USA


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  • 501st Unit
    Rancor Raiders Garrison

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  1. I have the same armor from TM except I have the wire strapping instead of snaps. Everything I received was Centurion ready. Great armor! Looks fantastic when you wear it. You'll love it. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. So far looking fantastic! Great job! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. Was it up, down, left, left, X, Y or up, down, right, left, A, B, LB, RB? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. I believe at that price you could buy from just about any of the approved armorers on FISD and know you have a quality, approvable kit.
  5. Yes, right arm. I have loved the elastic band connecting the bicep and forearm. No armor bites at all for me with this setup.
  6. Great job on the helmet! Hand painting it is DEFINITELY the way to go. Turned out to be my favorite part of my build.
  7. I had thought about that a while back.. I think the word lightsaber is said only four times in the OT, none in ESB.
  8. I had the same problems with my thighs. I trimmed some of the bottom of the shins, but it didn't solve my problem. I ended up trimming some of the top of the thighs and it fits a lot better.
  9. Yep, I wasn't aware at the time of my build that there was a difference, but I'm sure as hell not going to remove the stripes and repaint them.
  10. I believe the bottom one in the picture goes on the left tube and the one on top goes on the right. I think the stripes are suppose to curve away from the frown.
  11. I used trooperbay's templates as well. Worked very well.
  12. This. I got the 1.5 mm because of the flexibility and screen accuracy plus I wanted to go with the original strapping (which you can only do with the more flexible 1.5mm). I love it and get comments all the time about how great it looks. I'm sure TM will send you a sample piece of each to see for yourself. Either way will be an awesome suit.
  13. Awesome job! Well done.
  14. Open the box. Take a deep breath. Go throw up. Get to trimming.
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