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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Just need Eric to fill us in on when we can have a big nerdy TK meet
  2. I thought the lingerie added a certain je ne sais quoi to the place~ Also, I can't reach that high :|
  3. Looking good Butters!! (I recognize those floor mats! lol)
  4. Yea but.... Now who's going to bring the punch and pie?! It is Pi(e) day after all!
  5. As I was reading this, I totally pictured bright yellow socks with little (x-men) Wolverines all over them. ;p For me, what ever socks I happen to be wearing that day are the trooping socks de jour. Like Squeaky mentioned - gel inserts are a comfort must have!
  6. lol, you don't get a nasty nickname if you try to pick your own - you just get told it won't stick
  7. Girl thighs are the worst for armor fitting :| I have AM right now and it fits width-wise well enough but it's waaaay too tall for my 5'8" frame.
  8. Thanks guys! It was a blast, lol. The photographer was taking a few 'serious' bucket on photos and during his quiet concentration I let out a, 'Pew pew!' which resulted in some hearty laughter, hehe. And yes, rockin out trooper is my fav!
  9. Nice tip! Another reinforcing technique is to sand the area then apply a patch of cotton material (tshirt, etc) that is saturated with E6000.
  10. Since pretty much every bucket-off photo I have is sweaty-faced with bucket hair, lol, I thought it'd be fun to do an armor photo shoot. This was partly inspired by the awesome Kim! It got pretty silly at the end as the photographer was pretty stoked to be shooting a TK. :>
  11. A fun troop for a local (to come of us) hockey team on their Star Wars themed game night! Troops Present: TK-16180 Steve Chiu "Squeaky" TK-6093 Andrea Loar "Pickles" TK-25267 Charles Bowes "Clamps" (crewman) TK-9418 Ken Morse "Ponyboy" (crewman) TK-18610 Luc Micks "Double Rum" (TI) TR-21553 Aaron Beam (TR) SL-829 Roy MItchell (Vader) TB-18180 Phil Gotfried "Watto" (TB) TB-1605 Derek Wong (TB)
  12. To add to this, it seems the troopers of the Canadian Garrison have started another trend of having nicknames for a member's kids/spouses, heh. Our dear Clamps has his two little Clamplets. Narc has Mrs. Narc and the Narclings. And now our newly appointed FISD XO, Squeaky, has his collection of Squeakettes. lol
  13. I love how this hobby brings together so many different people with interesting backgrounds!
  14. I work for an engineering consulting company in the municipal water/wastewater field. Mostly doing SCADA systems integration (programming PLCs and HMIs). With that always comes mountains of paperwork and technical documentation development. :/ I do on-site construction administration as well, you wouldn't believe some of the sh*t I've seen at water treatment plants haha
  15. Peeing while in armor? Really guys? >.< No thoughts of any possible splash back or misting on the armor right around the same height as the kids that hug us? :|
  16. There will be much pie at C7!
  17. Congrats Squeaky! I know you'll do great as the new FISD XO!
  18. Congrats to the 2015 FISD staff! Here's to a great year!
  19. Vader loves when I stand next to him at 5'8". We have so many tower troopers. I always get the 'too short' line ----------
  20. I don't think it's a trick question! Aside from trooping, I enjoy many other activities! I'm not very good but I enjoy playing tennis. I love hanging out in the pool. Playing Foosball BBQing Every now and then I'll treat myself to a pedicure.
  21. Yea, my hair is pretty long and thick (scary thick when I don't straighten it). Pretty sure I could give Weird Al a run for his money in a big hair competition, haha. I find that two side braids breaks up the thickness and help keep the hair somewhat under control (with the assistance of a balaclava!). Hair length reference:
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