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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Haha, I'm going to bring it Friday I have all the bits chopped off that need to be and extra holes drilled. The Velcro was coming off the plastic. Just added extra adhesive to it and clamped it over night. that should hopefully do the trick! I may add the hook anyways for the extra added security.
  2. I have a little more work to do but I took my TK out for a 'test run' to see what needs adjusting. I made it 20 feet before shin velcro started coming apart. Still on the waiting list for boots also.
  3. C6 ticket, check. Room booked, check. Plane ticket, soon... soon.. Just need to get the finishing touches on my TK for my 501st application It's all coming along smoothly. Can't wait to meet you guys
  4. I'm not sure how to go about fixing the thigh ammo pack... Can I just pry out the rivets? Keith - Yea, I have padding tho I may put more in.
  5. Yea, using e6000, thankfully (thanks to the advice from people on these forums!!) I had help with the riveting. You're saying it needs to be lower? I thought about this but I already have to shim quite a bit at the back and I don't want to end up with a 3" cover strip at the back. =x
  6. 'to do' list: - adding hooks to shins to help them stay closed - more thigh fitting =/ - find a better way to secure butt plate to kidney plate - glue buttons to belt. - paint and add ab plate buttons - tackle chest plate - trim bottom, sit it lower, secure it to ab plate. was thinking of heating up the top of the shoulder straps to bend it up a little more. thoughts? - trim back plate more an possibly kidney plate as there is quite a bit of overlap. - bicep work to stop them from rotating. I think that's about it.
  7. Sorry about being such a slacker with the pictures... Got the belt mostly done, just need to glue on the buttons. The thighs are driving me nuts. In my first attempt to make them fit snugly, I over trimmed and now I have to shim them. They still refuse to stay up. I trimmed most of the return edge off the back also. As you can see, the biceps like to twist on me even though they are connected to the shoulder bells. Will probably pad then or shorten the straps. Not much done to the chest and back plate yet. I really don't like how the chest bumps the bucket up off my head. Here's what I have so far.
  8. 5'7" Womens large fits perfect. Only issue is the top likes to creep up when you move around too much.
  9. I really hope to see you there Your build document has been one of the bigger influences on my process!
  10. I am going to be knocking on your door when it's time for me to make my blaster
  11. I will be going to C6 after all Hopefully I'll have my TK approved by then!
  12. Thanks Arnie! I just want to throw in that I slapped on the knee plate last minute with some tape as a good-natured jab to a buddy of mine who's trying to get me to go sandy!
  13. Got to fix those biceps. the are too loose still. Bue tape on the bottom of the chest and back are where I am thinking of trimming. Tried heating the butt plate and making it "hug" more but I don't know how well it went. =/ Cod too high? SHins correct? I hope so, I went over the thread a bunch of times to make sure I got it right. Thighs won't stay up alone, but they do go up pretty high.
  14. Thanks so much guys for the very helpful tips! I haven't even purchased any glue yet for fear of the temptation of gluing it before it fits perfectly, heh. But I will most definitely get E6000 as opposed to cement. I will trim the top thigh return edges because those suckers wont go up any further than shown in the pic at the moment. I will probably need a strong snap/belt/velcro system to keep them up I think. Do the bottoms of the thighs look like they are tight enough? As for the kidney plate, one end seems to 'flare out' slightly more than another. Is that the top or bottom? Thanks again guys, your help is very much appreciated.
  15. Bear with me as this will most likely be a slower build thread as I don't have a ton of time to work on my kit. Just little bits here and there as I can. I got the AM lite kit (AP bucket to follow). So far I've trimmed and fit: forearms, biceps and thighs. I'd love the input from the people here as I make the armor. Obligatory unboxing shot So shiny! After working on the thighs. They feel comfortable but I am wondering if I should taper them in a bit more at the knees. Side View. (I've done nothing to the ab/kidney/butt plates. I just put them on to get and idea of how it would look. Back View I'll put up more pics soon
  16. As far as I know, no one from our group of newbies was calling anyone out or putting people down or calling for a new leader and I hope our voicing our concerns was not perceived in that way. Speaking only for myself, I was a little disheartened by the fact that the CG is seemingly so unavailable to new people. I completely understand that people have lives and that 501st is 100% volunteer. It was an overall lack of interaction that gave me the unwelcome feeling. And as far as signing up on the forums before emailing Roy or other GC members directly; it is said many times over here at FISD to “sign up with your local garrison to meet people in your areaâ€. How were we to know that CG was an exception? It’s an honest misunderstanding from both ends. A concern that I did have, and emailed back to Roy about, was that he mentioned armor parties. How are we to find out about these armor parties if not from the CG forums? A ‘guest’ or ‘newbie’ level of forum access would greatly benefit the CG when it comes to that kind of communication. Or, heck, even a Facebook group or some such, hehe. Either way, I am glad that these things were brought to light in a *mostly* positive way so that we can work together to solve the issues! I am a proud Canadian and look forward to being a proud member of 501st and the CG!
  17. Heh, apparently that got his attention Good news, he replied to my email. He maintains that the Canadian Garrison forum is closed to non-members, which is a bummer, but he mentioned armor parties and to keep in contact if I had any questions. In the mean time, I've made contact with the Force United Niagara and will be meeting them at their troop this Saturday at FUNexpo
  18. Still no reply from Roy. =/ I am planning on heading to the FUNexpo in Welland this Saturday to meet some troopers! Spend a day hanging out with the Sandys
  19. Canada is known for it's friendly, helpful and understanding people! I am somewhat disappointed by the response (or lack of) that I received from "Roy" of the Canadian Garrison. I signed up at the 501st Canadian Garrison, hoping to meet people in my area who are both veteran and novice TK builders. It seems that FISD set the bar pretty high when it comes to welcoming new people and aspiring TKs because the only contact I had with the Canadian Garrison was an email (sent to me and many other people in this thread) saying I can't join unless I am already a 501st member. I would have figured they'd have some kind of 'newbie' rank with limited forum access so that people just starting out would could dip their toes in. That is, unfortunately, not the case. I sent a reply to 'Roy' asking for clarification on the matter but have yet to receive any kind of response. I did meet some of the Canadian Garrison members at the most recent Toronto Comic Con and they all seemed very friendly so I am wondering where the disconnect is. I'd love to troop with fellow Star Wars costumers! I have buckets of enthusiasm to go around! In the meantime, like Keith said, a bunch of us in the relative Toronto area have been talking and getting to know each other. The plan is to meet up mid-July and talk armor! Also, I'd like to thank everyone here at FISD as you've made me feel very welcome here and I very much appreciate all of the valuable information and experiences that you all have shared. <3
  20. Woo, have fun! *nod* I've already made plans for Fan Expo. I looked at the dates and when I realized well.... like the boss once said, "NOOOOOOOO!"
  21. Just realized this has the same dates as the Toronto Fan Expo
  22. Just saw this thread after I asked about it in another >.< Doh! Anyways, I just remembered that a few years ago I used to do War of 1812 reenactments with some friends and we drove between Canada and US all the time with flint lock muskets (that were fully functional) and never had an issue. Flying might be a different story though.
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