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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. You know, normally I would have, but the guy really caught me by surprise and it happened really fast. =/ lol
  2. Woo Charles! Bout damn time, hehehe. I'll be up in Toronto for the Saturday troop. We could do an after armor party or some such if you're interested Have fun building!!!
  3. Can not go a weekend without trooping! So this week was a very.... interesting.... troop. Anyways... it started out as you average kids event. We got suited up and all of the kids, small and big we're all over us.
  4. This site has been an invaluable resource Time to give back to the community.
  5. I prefer score and snap also. I tried with both a box cutter with the snapable blades and an exacto knife. I found that because the exacto knife had a thinner blade it cut more easily through the abs. Just make sure you take your time with the first few scores so you cut exactly where you want. The blade can get away from you if you're not careful.
  6. Yay Keith actually got out in his armor hehehe It looks amazing, I can't wait to get up to some shenanigans with you NOOOOOO!!!! Going to have to burn it now
  7. Heck no, I bought that bathing suit FOR my bucket lmao
  8. It was a short troop, only a few hours but poor Vader really over did it. He was sick for two nights after only about an hour and a half out there. He is doing much better now though. And Keith, you have to come through with the banana hammock now! Lmao! Ingrid, I can't wait till C6 we'll have a blast! Hehe
  9. Afterwards we cooled down in Vader's Pool:
  10. Well, I was going to start a 'Happy Birthday' thread for you in the Happy Birthday section but apparently I can't, so... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TK 6731!
  11. Ohhhh sounds like you'll need to come up here and visit some time
  12. Congrats Keith! Now get your butt out with us and do a troop!1!!
  13. Still no link buttons to direct you to the newest unread post in a thread / show you which threads you're read already.
  14. Lag is very noticeable. I am also missing those handy icons/links that direct you to the first unread post in a thread.
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