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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I missed seeing you Eric because I was having lunch. Here's some more photos from the two-day troop (I was handling/photographing for this one): A little bit of TK/TFA hotness. Lego Toronto was swarmed by SW ships and characters. Rey has a new ride. Narc came to visit us in his civi's. Myself, Lucas (SugaPants), and your FISD XO Danny looking cheerful as ever!
  2. Cannot unsee! D: Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. :> Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks for another great newsletter! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Looks like you guys had a blast! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. You've been an extremely valuable and dedicated asset to FISD Gaz! You've helped so many troopers and I hope you know how appreciated you are! The new DOs have some awesome shoes to fill. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Congrats you two. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. I haven't been to the SLD forums in a long time. Is there anything in the works as far as a Kylo CRL? Would be nice to push that out like we did with the TFA Trooper.
  9. "Fixer" Danny is one of my go-to peeps when I need problem solving help. He's very good at fixing things.
  10. Lol... "welcome mat". So punny. And also, Hiiiiiii again Matt!
  11. . . . party at Danny's!!!!!! I know you'll kick some serious butt as XO. Congrats again and I look forward to hearing your ideas.
  12. Also, Congrats Danny/MechaPumpkin on FISD XO!
  13. Super-awesome-FanEx-video didn't get copied to the NL post: As well as the Steve Blum vid:
  14. So I bought this neat-looking chunk of resin and thought I'd see what I could do with it. I've never done any work along these lines so there's quite a bit of trial and error documented. Soooooooo much sanding. Sweet baby Jebus was there a lot of sanding. And then some bondo. And then MORE sanding. I went up to 800 grit. Followed by a couple light coats of primer. This is the part where my Fairy Gaz-mother came to my aid. He told me how to properly paint the bucket. And then I still effed it up. I really effed it up, lol. Right now I am at the point where I've wet sanded it down again and will be ready to try and lay the paint down again. I'll get some more progress photos soon.
  15. ....I mean... who hasn't?! Or just me? Probably just me. Aaaaaaaaaand now it's awkward. Hey look over there! Droids! *Runs away in an awkward and not-so-subtle-or-quiet manner*
  16. ------------ "Weirdest" question I've been asked, "Have you ever had sex while wearing that?"
  17. I can sit in mine and be fairly comfy. Also, I may or may not have been fairly intoxicated last weekend and somehow managed to kit up. O.o Apparently I laid down in my bed and was about to go to sleep in it until one of my girlfriends suggested I remove it. So there's that, haha.
  18. FanExpo Cannot come soon enough! There's going to be so much TFA sexiness.
  19. Hah! That is hilarious and awesome! Now you can travel in style.
  20. Just a reminder that Toronto FanExpo is only a few weeks away. Let me know if you have any questions. 501st members can also sign up on the Canadian Garrison forums for detailed information regarding all the 501st booth/panel/march/etc things we do at this awesome 4-day event. http://501st.ca/forum/ http://fanexpocanada.com/
  21. Awesome. Sounds like a cool guy I don't know many of the troopers aside from Alan Flyng and Anthony Forrest - glad to hear about another!
  22. What cool displays you guys have! Congrats on your first troop and thanks for sharing.
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