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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. eep... well, since I never heard back from the other Keith who does mic tips - I'll have to look elsewhere at getting them. Also, I am doing a lot more trimming after my C6 experiences. My legs are steal healing =/
  2. You want I should clamp him boss? As soon as anyone shows the slightest interest we snatch them up with constant fun and friendly communication! Plus... it's not hard to convince someone they should join such a great group of people with such a cool costume!
  3. I've only used the East Bay under suit and I am quite happy with it.
  4. Way to go Keith! There was no doubt You said right from the beginning that you were gunning for Centurion and you got it! *highfive*
  5. *cough*November 11th*cough* Still loooooove that pic. I think you guys look absolutely stunning and impressive
  6. I have a bunch of other photos of my time down at CVI in a Facebook album format. There are a couple of 'birds' being flipped that I hope doesn't offend anyone. =x lol
  7. Bwahaha! That was fun The "M" was Eric wasn't it?
  8. I am counting this a 4 troops as I was suited up all 4 days. Day one gave me horrendous armor bite that I have never experienced before so it was a painful 4 days but I made it through. Ingrid dragged my limping butt to help with Eric's proposal to Sarah in the nick of time Then we did the droid hunt and on the last day I took up post next to the emperor on his chair in the 501st experience room. I think Brian snagged a few pics as I tried not to fall over, lol. It was a blast and I was able to meet so many amazing people
  9. Wow Charles, look at you go! Can't wait to see you trooping!
  10. That is so cool! Love the helmet cam!! Side note: You were following me for that first part of the TK march. Darn shoulder bell that kept falling off =x
  11. You must have more pics than that, sir! Like the one with dead pool humping the droid (quickly followed by troopers putting him under arrest!) lol. I miss you guys and can't wait to get home. Chilling in atlanta airport ATM. More pics!
  12. So many pics... Can't post em till I get home tho! :/
  13. Since I can't figure out how to post this from my phone... You can see the pic on Facebook
  14. Who's hanging out with Ingrid right now?! that's right, the Canadians have taken her into he fold! PARTY!!!
  15. Ingrid - Haha yea, the TARDIS would have been a most impressive stunt I think I got to be up front because all the other guys wanted to stand further down where there was more shade, lol. Keith - It was a lot of fun but it looks like you had an awesome time yourself! Shame that you get back to Canada and now I am leaving it. =/ One of these days we'll troop together!
  16. Awesome Keith!! You two look great! Heck even your rebel sister looks good despite her poor choice in allegiance! Looooove the massage pics hehehe.
  17. A Toronto Based comic shop was moving from one store location to another and had a line up of several hundred volunteers and costumers to help out!
  18. Hahahaha Awesome! *Salutes* You crack me up Ingrid
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