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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Ok, this troop happened the same day as the Burlington Toy Con and I am just getting around to posting it now since I have been crazy busy with work. One Duke is a Restaurant/Lounge that is owned by one of our troopers. It is quickly becoming my favorite watering hole, lol. They make the most amazing stuffed burgers... and sorry, I am going off on a bit of an off-topic tangent! So to celebrate their grand opening they hosted a 3 day event which also consisted of a toy drive and cash donation charity event for the local children's hospital!
  2. I also vaguely remember stumbling drunkenly by Luis, catching sight of the name tag, and saying hi. He seemed either unimpressed or distracted. lol. Then I had to chase down my next-to-naked roommate, Emperor Palpatine.
  3. Looks fantastic Mr. Clamps! You trooping with us next weekend?
  4. Thanks guys! Also, I found out the podcast is called Popculture Junkies. Nothing posted yet as it was just recorded on Sunday but I'll be keeping an eye on their YouTube channel. I at least got a mention since our camera man was following me and told them I was female. http://www.youtube.com/user/doggvader
  5. Hahaha it was great to meet you as well Tom! I am glad I can now put some faces to the buckets
  6. Hmm... and I just bought these down in Florida...
  7. Edit: I can't believe I got this message when I first tried to post! "You have posted a message with more emoticons than this community allows. Please reduce the number of emoticons you've added to the message" BWAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!! First troop after the great C6 recovery! This con was a tiny bit of a let down as the crowd was not very interactive and the aisles were very slim and crowded. So we spent quite a bit of time outside in the open getting creative. But the most important part was this was *FINALLY* Keith and my first troop together and it has been a long time coming In order to set the mood for this momentous occasion you need to play this while you go through this thread: (Just replace the love lyric nonsense with humorous trooper parody lyrics~) lol
  8. Opps - should have posted this sooner! Here is how I got ready to go to C6! Imperial pedicure - how the elite forces of the Executor get pampered! How to put terror into the hearts of rebels around the galaxy - cute little stormie faces on your toes!
  9. Yep - hot sweaty trooper = velco coming apart or peeling off of the plastic! Use e6000 for most bonds, velcro for the shins and webbing/snaps/velcro for hold the pieces together!
  10. Canadian Garrison has posted a bunch of various C6 photos - http://www.501st.ca/photos/0878/c6
  11. Hahaha, way cool! I love it when Stormies goof around and dance!
  12. What Keith said... oh hell - a live action fitting!
  13. The flash mob was great! I didn't even know one of our Canadian Garrison members was in it until I saw him run by! hehehe
  14. I've experimented with a couple chin straps - none of which I am happy with so I'll be watching this thread.
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