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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. We've got an army of droids amassing here in southern Ontario. Seven complete and 5 more currently under construction.
  2. They put up the podcast! Nothing super exciting but about 4:18 and 10:10 into the show they start talking about me as I walk up to them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fR1LB8lFIic
  3. Yesterday there were a few local Toys R Us Stores that had us come out and promote a Hasboro product launch. There were 3 locations that we divided our forces between. The unfortunate part is that the photographer went with the guys at one of the stores that neither Keith nor I were at and my back up photographer couldn't make it, lol. The store I was at had Vader, Boba, ANH Luke and myself. We had a blast! Not sure what kind of turn put Keith's store had. I'll let him fill you in. I was the first to finish getting suited up so they sent me out solo to get people excited and of course, being a shiny white TK, they got excited all right! It was like I was a shiny white kid-magnet! The kids were great, showing me their recent Star Wars purchases and smothering me with hugs and high-fives. Heck there were quite a few of the 'big kids' getting all giddy over a real life Stormtrooper! There was one poor kid who's mom had him in the shopping cart seat and he was practically dancing in his seat to get a better look at me. So of course I had to go up to him and give him a high-five and a hug! I just love the huge grins they get when they interact with you! Roughly 10-15 minutes later Vader, Luke and Boba made their appearance and everyone went ballistic with excitement at seeing us all together. Having a face character like Luke really made it easier for the more shy kids to open up and come check us out. There was one kid who was peeking out at us from a display so naturally, I had to hide behind Vader and peek out at the kid. It was great fun. We of course had to make our way to the Star Wars section and check out the toys! I snagged a cute little mini plush Stormtrooper. The best part, imo, was one little girl who was slightly shy about getting her picture taken with us and seemed to warm up to me a little better than the other guys. I leaned down a told her that I would let her in on a little secret - girls can be stormtroopers too. Her eyes lit up at hearing I was a girl and she hugged me. Her dad was saying, "wow, there's a girl in there!" and that his daughter could be a trooper. She nodded vigorously and excitedly! It was a fantastic feeling. A short troop but any excuse to suit up and I am there having a great time! hehehe. Here's some of the pics from the store that our photographer went to. They had a great time with the droids R2-D2, R2-FG, Captain Rex and two scout troopers:
  4. Congrats on troop #1 Isaac! Thank you for sharing it with us.
  5. Awesome pics! You behind the register with the Jawa had me laughing pretty hard It's always great when you can have fun and play with the kids!
  6. Alright! finally getting around to posting the pics from my phone! Pre-Troop Clamping! Charles, you daughter is so adorable! You NEED to talk with Mike about getting a mini costume! BWAHAHAHAHA! I fit 2 TKs and a Sith Lord in my tiny little car. Comfy back there, Clamps? Excited to get suited up for Troop #1!! And so it begins.... look at that grin!
  7. I managed to sit once, my butt plate now has some scratches in it. I wouldn't recommend it.
  8. Woo hoo Clamps! What an entertaining narrative It sure was a fun troop. I'll add a few pics when I get home.
  9. Wow! Nice pics! So cool for you guys to go out and support the runners! Love the sandy's new skirt. That last pic gave me goosebumps also! Very powerful, the delivery of it was.
  10. That is so neat! Man, I wish troopers came to promote math when I was in school! lol!
  11. Some of what happened at C6, stays at C6!
  12. I am also headed up to Toronto tonight! hehe - you coming to Saturday's troop?
  13. Amazing pics! I usually host my pics on a different site (photobucket). You can post tons of pics that way
  14. Excellent work Charles! Proud of you bud! You and Keith make me feel like such a slacker, lololol.
  15. Damn straight! We'll show you a good time Jenny!
  16. Haha yup! Trooping from 10am till 7:30pm with roughly 2 hours break in between!
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