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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Thank you guys very much! The extra effort you put into things like that is greatly appreciated
  2. London, Ontario, Canada that is! This took place Nov. 10th. The local London Rogues Star Wars group, comprised of 501st, Rebel Legion and various other costumers was invited to be a part of the London Parade due to their huge community involvement and fund raising efforts. I was a little nervous as it was my first parade and I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I believe it was a 4km walk straight through downtown London.
  3. Pickles

    WTH Eric!

    This is getting out of hand! lolololol - Pickles representing the T4BP!
  4. Pft. You need a bath just like the rest of em!
  5. Pickles

    WTH Eric!

    Did you SEE what they DID?!
  6. What? Nooooo.... all that really happened!
  7. Pickles

    WTH Eric!

    I suppose I am starting to grow fond of the nickname. One might even say I relish it!
  8. So I have been slacking a little bit! This troop was on Nov 4th and I am just getting around to posting the mission report now! (Sorry Ingrid!!!) Hehehehe...
  9. Congrats on your first troop! The lego Boba cracked me up! And what a neat idea for a background prop!
  10. Pickles

    WTH Eric!

    Ohhhhhh..... just a lucky guess? ;p lmao
  11. Pickles

    WTH Eric!

    lmfao... did you change my screen name to Pickles?!?!
  12. This actually happened the same weekend as the FUN Expo Promo but real life got in the way of a timely mission report However, without further adieu: The CAW Health and Home Show! Another day of raising money for Help a Child Smile! Also, I may or may not have left my blaster on the Death Star by mistake Earlier that day, I received a communication from the Boss to meet up with him for an important Imperial mission. Trooper wages being what they are, I decided to take the bus.
  13. Very cool - got to love all that white!
  14. Charles - It was Matt and Roy. Jenny - I can see better in my TK than the spawn mask! It was a dark bar, lol.
  15. So I decided that a bar party and my TK were not a good mix so I went with another costume that I had been working on for awhile. Nothing super fancy but it was fun to make and wear Tattered cloak. Was my first attempt at working the cloak and I learned quite a bit. I will be reworking this. Met up with Dr. Evil Then I showed him who was more evil! Had a run-in with Bane also. Bunch of people at the party. More pics here:
  16. Oh and the woman who won the 50/50 draw donated it back to the charity!
  17. Saturday we had a promo event at a local mall for next years FUN expo. We raised $300 in a 4 hour period for the local Charity - Help a Child Smile!
  18. That was absolutely fantastic! you guys looked great!
  19. Alright, so here is what I plan on working on: General armor fixes: Move the holster closer to the plastic belt edge. Raise the drop boxes. Move the detonator belt clips towards the end caps. (will most likely just replace TD) Replace the shoulder bell cross elastic to something less wide. Trim off the excess on the knee plate. Centurion mods: S-Trim Hand paint bucket details rubber gloves / latex handplates reshape backplate so no over lap and curves in fix crotch/butt snap situation inner drop boxes New TD Resin blaster Seems like a good start though I am always open to suggestions.
  20. Love it, Ingrid! you have one of the luckiest kids ever! Hehehe
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