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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Snowie angels! wow that is hilarious!!! hahahaha
  2. We could have used that ATAT for our dirty dozen photoshoot lol Also, for future reference, here's how you do a sand angel: lol
  3. A friend of mine recently was flown down to LA to be on set and have a cantina scene appearance for the season finale of Braking In. She mentioned that the 501st were a huge help. Supplying props and whatnot. I was wondering who all was involved as she is a huge SW fan and proper thanks are in order. Here is what she wrote of her experiences: Hey Friends, I was unsure if I should have made this post back when I came back from LA, or if I should wait until the release of the rest of the episodes. I didn't want to spoil anything, sometimes I do that. So as you are aware in April I was given an amazing opportunity to fly out to LA and be a guest on the set of 'Breaking In' for the series finale. First of all I would like to thank each and everyone of you. If you all didn't help me post, make videos or just voice your opinions in the first place we would have had a second season. I know most of you hate the second season due the cast changes, but the episodes really are funny and every single person who was involved on of off set really appreciates all of your effort, love and support. So from all of them THANK YOU!!! I shall give you a play by play as accurate as I can remember. I was only there for the last two days of filming and had one day to myself, in which I did nothing except wander a mall and made several new friends. On Thursday April 19th, I flew out to Culver City and arrived by 11am. My hotel room was not ready, but that is okay because some shampoo burst open in my luggage and I spent the next hour fixing that in the bathroom while I waited. At noon a very nice gentleman came, picked me up, and dropped me off on the Sony Lot, Studio 26 I believe. From emails I was suppose to greeted by one of Adam's assistants, there was a Gent outside who said “Breaking In? Go on inâ€. I must admit how scared I was, I had previously been on a set to shoot a commercial but this was nothing like a random house. I stepped inside and all I could see was darkness and shrubbery, a set to be used around 11pm when Megan finally came. I stepped around very carefully not wanting to trip, or ruin anything, sometimes I do that too. I had no idea what to do as I had only talked to people online prior to that moment when all of a sudden I heard Christian Slater's voice and knew exactly where to go. I walked around various people and not a single one said a word, this makes me want to go onto set's more often. All of a sudden I stopped in shock and awe as I almost ran into Ray Park. [by now I hope you can assume i'm a bit of a klutz] I looked further and saw Adam Goldberg himself and walked over, officially introduced myself and gave hugs. [i'm a hugging kind of gal] I was also greeted by his lovely wife and adorable son. From here I was instantly introduced to pretty much every single person on set, as 'Super Fan'. They thought I was this shy little Canadian girl, so I grabbed someones man pecks and that changed their opinion of me the rest of the time. All of a sudden I fit in and 15 minutes had not even passed. Here I met Lance and Alphonso, two very funny and extremely nice gents. Lance's scenes were done but he wanted to watch and see the rest, and Alphonso walked around in a Stormtrooper outfit for most of the time I was there. Not going to hide it I really wanted to wear it myself. Shortly after all of this I was brought to where the action was, where Christian Slater was hiding, the Death Star! [side note: Going on set I was scared, I thought everyone was going to be uptight, angry sort of people you hear about from tabloids... that is not how it was on set of Breaking In.] I walked into the Death Star to be introduced to Christian and what did I get? A butt load of smiles! People have asked me over and over “What was Christian like?†and the only response I can give is that he is “ an abundantly happy nerd!†I never once saw anything but a smile on that man's face. Kudos to him. I very much respect him, and love his love of Star Wars/Star Trek. I also got to hang out with Ray Park who kept randomly walking away from everyone and practicing his 'Darth Maul' moves. A crowd kept forming but most people made their presence less obvious, I think I hid behind a tree. He's British so all I can say is that I didn't want him to stop talking and wanted to ask the burning question, “Do you know the Doctor?†haha Later on I randomly met Brent while I was walking around the set. He was hiding reading his lines. Real nice guy, married a woman also named Lauren. Lauren's are cool people ;-) Didn't have much interaction with him, but he was very kind, and just as short as I thought he would be. Also the only one to mention anything about the Friday being 4/20. haha. Someone had to mention it. Glad it was him, no one responded to him. I wanted to, but ….. I’m a wuss! A few of the crew members showed me around the Sony lot and took me on tours. It was great to be able to walk around and just chat about how people ended up where they are. I admire everyone for following their dreams. Later Adam took me to editing. On route we ran into Brekin Meyer. Adam did not know him but yelled out his name and introduced him to me anyways. Everyone was trying to talk Robot chicken and Sky walker ranch stuff to him, but the question he really wanted answered was where I got my shirt from. Everyone Loves the Yoda Angel shirt! After that we went up to Adam's office area where all the editing and sound was done. If you have never been a part of that process, you should be. That was an eye opening experience and now I understand why so many names are listed in the credits of movies/tv shows. However, on this little adventure I happened to have seen several scenes from future episodes and key spoilers came out, like about Cameron and Molly. I was so lost, and so excited to see the rest of the episodes. The rest of that day was spent just hanging out with everyone like Lance, Alphonso, Erin, Martin Starr, and various other people. They have such a great Family atmosphere that it was hard not to feel like one of them. Even felt like I fit in when Erin missed one of the Crew and hit me with an Orange instead. Good thing it doesn't cause bruising someone beats you with an Orange. Night filming was with Megan, I had pretty much zero interaction with her. She came on set, filmed her scenes and bolted. Almost didn't get to meet her but Christian brought her to me saying how much I wanted to meet her. Slightly disappointed. I adored her since the start of Will & Grace, ah well. I did help her remember a Foghorn Leghorn Quote while in the Cantina. The highlight of my Megan interaction. [i say, that's why I keep my feathers number for such an occasion] The day ended around 1:30-2am and I was sitting in the directors chair with Adam and Christian who was going 'on and on' about how you have to be a 'Star Wars aficionado' to be able to film the scenes he was doing and how some 'non wars' director just would not cut it. Ever see those cartoons where the jaw drops to the floor? That would have been me if my body was capable of dropping that far. I had ZERO idea Slater was a nerd. I had never heard the word 'Aficionado' used so many times in my life. Mind. Blown. After that I went back to the hotel and passed out around 4-5am facebooking. Typical girl. The next morning I woke up at 7am (don't ask me why, or how), worked out, swam a bit, and got ready.... I got ready 2 hours early. My stupid phone had not changed to LA time. At noon I was once again picked up, this time I had great news, Peter Mayhew and his wife had just been dropped off as well! Great day already!! Who doesn't want to hang out with a 7 foot man with a Lightsaber for a cane? I arrived on set and since the crew was basically the only ones there I hung out with Erin Richards family and told them how she beats me up with Oranges. They were trying to film a scene where Peter is introduced as Erin's Uncle and then hires the Contra Team to recover his stolen Chewbacca outfit from Bobby Fettman. Originally they planned on using the bar, however, this became a problem when out of no where a fire started. …..Firemen came.... ;-) ;-) We all had to be evacuated and then alternate plans to shoot this scene commenced in Contra herself. I got to go to the amazing office where all of the fun stuff happens. It was by far the coolest experience, though the Kirk Chair was not there. Sad times. I did get to play the arcade games and I am not ashamed to admit that Adam owned my an impolite person. Guess that's what I get for not being born in the 70's. Next came (what I am assuming most of you are waiting to hear), the introduction of Rosenbaum. Just like everyone else on set, he was a pretty cool person to be around. I was looking for the stormtrooper helmet everyone was signing for Adam when I turned around there he was hugging Adam. I knew who he was immediately but I was on the hunt for a Trooper helmet!! I found the helmet and rushed over. Rosenbaum grabbed the helmet and said thanks... All I could think was “this wasn't for you!†But still I shook his hand and said “Hi, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah (Chanukah), Happy Birthday, I saved this show for you!†Then told him I’m going to hang out with him. He said okay, but in reality he had no choice. Bucket List rules required me to sit there. He was shorter than I expected and I couldn't stop staring. I probably looked like a tool. I was in the same airspace as him and all I could muster to say were things I heard from the Farley Bros. Radio show. ah. Such a tool. I was once told he is a 'boob toucher' and just so happens so am I. [First day of Post Secondary they had a 'Sexual Harassment seminar, 8 years later and I’ve been grabbing boobs and bums ever since. I saw that seminar as a Challenge, and I accepted. I do not touch the Junk though. That's a level of harassment I’m not ready for.] I sat close next to him and said,“Hi, I've wanted to meet you for 14 years, and I've been wondering how I would introduce myself and well.... [Grabs his boob and starts to rub] this is how I’m introducing myself.†ha. Good times. Very nice man. Glad I didn't get punched. He had just come from filming his own movie so most of the talking was about that. Adam ended up telling him that they had a Dutch outfit ready for him and that there was no pressure, but they would love it if he make a small appearance. I told him that there was pressure. I did it for all of you guys. He made a quick phone call and soon after we were in wardrobe putting jewelery on him and making himself look like a 'douche' as he calls Dutch. He seemed very excited to be able to be in a scene with Peter Mayhew, he honestly acted like a kid in a Star Wars store. “Do you think he'll let me call him...†[i forget what he originally wanted to say, whatever was done was made up on the spot] After his scene Rosenbaum left. [insert Lauren's sad face here] That is where I started to wander the sets with Adam and his friends, ate a very delicious dinner (thank you Alphonso for getting half of it for me), and then I was being prepped to be in a scene myself, the Cantina Scene! I was psyched!! Everyone should be psyched!! Why? Because Han Shot First! This scene went on from about 9pm-1-2am. One of the of the actors kept falling asleep on the bar, I kept trying to make her dance with me to keep her up. When all was said and done a huge cake came out with “It's a Wrap†on it, very delicious. I helped Adam take some things back and then hid in a Gonk Droid in an attempt to scare him. Didn't really succeed, but it was extremely fun to be able to be in Oz's office. After that one of the crew members took me on a 3am tour of LA. It was very kind and generous of him, yet I was unable to stay up. I saw a few sites but I was so tired I pretty much just wanted to sit down and sleep on all of them. “Oh look it's Marilyn Monroe's Han........ zzzzZzzzzZZzz†30 hours on set for two days. I was zonked, and overloaded with amazing memories. I wish I could have taken each and every one of you with me. I also wish I brought my camera, I didn't, I’m an idiot and didn't want to be a 'fangirl'. On the plus side I did have my phone and I shall share those photos with you all. ♥ You are all amazing to have supported the cast and crew. You have no idea how much they thanked me for saving the show but it was all of us. My desire was to watch nerdy story lines with Rosenbaum running around background like a tool being 'Sasquatch'd'. Thank you for showing me what people can accomplish if you try. I have made some of the most wonderful friends from this site, and from being in LA. Each and every single one of you have inspired me so much to follow my dreams and know that with hard work and determination anything can happen. I hope that is one message I can pass on to all of you. Work hard at what you want, and it will happen. I love each of you and hope nothing but the best for everyone in the future. Also... Adam has a new show show: How the F*&K am I Normal. When it comes out give him your support!!! I never got to meet her in person but I did get the chance to talk to her online but Jennifer Irwin is on a few shows right now called “Eastbound and Down†and “Crash Canyonâ€. Watch them. I recommend it for anyone going through Breaking In withdrawals.
  4. And a Con in Niagara Falls followed by a certain TKs birthday party in June~! Jussayin! (The party is going to be a combo party for 3 of us troopin types and will be awesome).
  5. Woo! Couple of fun troops in May
  6. Love it! Ken is an evil genius! Can't wait until I can get his help building a minimag!
  7. When not in Niagara Falls goofing around with Rob, I frequent Etobicoke You really need to come visit us!!
  8. 5 years of hard core (life wasting) raiding in EQ2. Played SWTOR for a few months then got bored of it.
  9. Ingrid! What Charles said! Come up here to Toronto (or Niagara) and hang with your CG family!
  10. Looking good and doing good. It's great being a TK isn't it?
  11. Hahaha awesome Eric! Other than the rain that is perfect trooping temperature! lol Love the window shot, that's really neat.
  12. It was 3 weeks since our last troop and needless to say we had a sizable turn out of troopers jonsing for action! We tried showing the locals how to use a blaster but they were just confused! There was a photo op station for everyone to get their pictures taken. Poor Vader blended into the background so much it's like where's waldo! We were not the only costumed people there but we did have quite an impact! Kids were wanting troopers in all their photos! Clamps and I got to scheming... or we would have if we could hear each other. It was loud in there. We plotted to harass Rex but he got us back in the end! We even had a Disney moment! And as usual, Rob and I got up to some various shenanigans! Video: https://www.facebook...152350689755344 Sandtrooper Karaoke? o.O Video - TK Dancing to YMCA: https://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=10152350761685344 Baby Dewback! I really wanted to sit on Santa's lap but I didn't want to do that to th epoor guy! lolol It was another fantastic troop! The staff at the YMCA have already made plans to have us back next year! As always, more pics here, thanks to our amazing photographer! https://www.facebook...79267085&type=1 And video to come soon!
  13. You said it Ingrid! I'd be bawling my eyes out. Way to go guys!
  14. Very cool! Nice turn out Love Bane and WTH! A Sandtrooper? How could you!?!?! lol
  15. I will eventually post the dancing video, yes.
  16. Well done guys! Trooping in the cold tip #1 - move around. Stand still and you may freeze there.
  17. Fun! The lights are a fantastic idea, shame they didn't show up in the photos very well.
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