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501st Stormtrooper[TK]
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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Wish I could have arrived earlier on the Friday to troop with yah! Glad I could say hi at least, lol.
  2. Love it Clamps! Don't forget Leisa was a T4BP in rebel disguise!
  3. Looks like you guys had a great time! I am saving my energy for Fan Expo in a few weeks, haha!
  4. OH the terrible puns! HAHA Nice article
  5. Excellent newsletter Congrats Phil and Glen!
  6. Part 2 of the interview: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=565491886823465
  7. Nice report Clamps! And I owe my amazing dirty trooper friend (TD 6305) huge for arranging Dave to attend the birthday dinner! My jaw dropped when I saw him walk into the restaurant!
  8. Oh Clamps. You and your shenanigans! I was wondering why all those 'overly-beveraged' ladies kept coming to me wanting to dance, haha.
  9. Back on May 25 - this was a small fun troop out in Alton, Ontario to raise money and promote awareness for people with Autism. This was a T4BP troop as well! Reporting for duty: TK 6093 Andrea Loar "Pickles" (TIVBP) TK 9418 Ken Morse "Pony Boy" (TIVBP) TB 392 Rob Ryan and TR 2518 Samantha Ryan (Disguised as a handler and baby-chewie carrier) It started out as your average patrol: Surveying the area...
  10. This event took place in May. I know - I am a little behind! haha. What made this event special was the money raised for London Sick Kids and special guest Alan Flyng (ESB Stormtrooper among other roles).
  11. Awesome report Clamps! This has to be one of my favorite events to troop! It was great spending the weekend with Pam and Alan too - they have a wicked sense of humor! Side note: we got Pam doing this... hehehe... I'll post more pics when Goldie puts them up.
  12. Very cool guys! You all look amazing. Love the lego droid pic and the trooper babysitting comment is priceless!
  13. Way to go guys! Love the ribbons on your chest plates and lol @ the 'We love Helen's Melons' sign. hehe
  14. Oh he knows! I tend to let him know this on a regular basis, lol. Yea the water was kind off looking that day, lol. Maybe a few TDs went swimming upstream earlier. That would be so neat to see. Have TKs lined up in the corn, looking like Indiana is growing troopers! hehe
  15. Got together with a couple other Canadian Garrison troopers for a morning photo shoot at the falls. The weather was sporadic and we were there for about an hour trying to catch the gaps in the clouds and waiting for the wind to blow the mist away. It was a VERY wet and chilly shoot but fun none the less. Afterwards we took photos with the public who were all very excited to see us.
  16. Looks you had a fantastic time Ingrid! I love you EPiC guys! hehehe Are you still planning on making a trip up here? Rob and I miss yah!
  17. You guys look absolutely amazing as always! Wish I could have been there but I was holding down the fort in Niagara! I should probably get around to posting those pics... hehehe *big plastic trooper hugs!*
  18. At the Royal Botanical Gardens in Burlington.
  19. What a fantastic troop report! You all look stellar as usual and you almost had tea come out my nose with your narrative! Love it!
  20. Another fun Con troop and also a T4BP troop as Ken and I were rocking the TK's!
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