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Imperial Attaché[TK]
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About thechosenhitman

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    Expert Infantryman

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    Las Vegas NV


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    Neon City

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  1. Time for some long awaited armor work. Due to a recent funk I've been in mentally and physically I have not done any work to the armor. That changed yesterday. I've sanded the interior of all my armor pieces with 100 grit flexible sandpaper!! I know you cannot tell in the first pic of anything being done but this one of my work uniform says it all: I am hoping this funk I've been in starts to dissipate a bit faster but time will tell, & hopefully some nice armor work will be done.
  2. Last week I received the first butt stock molded from Kevin for the F11-D. Minus a few issues I think it came out well. With that I can say my blaster is 100% complete. Work on the armor itself has not yet started due to the extreme heat. I am hoping to start sanding the inside sometime this week.
  3. Not complaining. I'm just a big guy
  4. Even tho I got jim's bigger thighs I may still need to expand them a bit bigger to fit me.
  5. Several really. One other side was worse. I started to panic when that pic was sent to me while I was at work.
  6. Yesterday was the BBB day!!! Jim's armor arrived from what I can see undamaged. I did unwrap everything to inspect it & didn't see anything wrong so far!
  7. Minus the decal for the front by the folding stock that I want to print out (thanks for the file JAFO) & the extended stock from Kevin Merritt, the blaster is finished. The 3 pieces in the first pic are not included in the kit. I had a friend and fellow garrison member print out the flash guard, ejection port guard & stock release. With those 3 pieces it brings the kit to an even better look. I do know with the ejection port I will have to adjust out the holster bolt slightly once I get everything only the armor.
  8. No big update today other than my armor shipped today & my boots & gloves were attempted to be delivered to me. Here is what I found to use as the pivot for the front handle. I have no clue what it's called (it's 2 parts) but I am able to still fold down the handle to use it if I wanted.
  9. Part blaster update, part mail call. Today Darren's new belt arrived this afternoon, which makes it only 3 outstanding pieces left that I am waiting for (boots, gloves & armor). On the blaster I have started the 2nd coat of white paint on 2/3rds of the folding stock & installed the security torx screws into it. I did find something other than a locating pin to use for the front handle. Once I get the correct length I'll post a pic of it. While I was at the hardware store getting the holster bolts I found 2 hex key bolts for the front of the muzzle. My goal is to have the blaster complete by Tuesday at the latest.
  10. Small blaster update: After not working on the blaster for the last few days I finally have the scope, scope rails, front sight & charging handle all glued to the blaster! I also started to paint the folding stock even without the holster bolts: Earlier this evening I did get my holster (with clips) in the mail from Justin Lee Morrison. I still need to source the bolts for the folding stock so I would be able to use the holster. Anyone know the proper bolts that need to be used so I can hook the blaster into the holster?
  11. Progress on the blaster had not stopped, even with trooping Weird Al Saturday & providing him security at the second job Sunday. I have painted the barrel, scope, front sights, trigger, scope rails & end cap their proper colors. And here is a dry fit with everything attached: I am still waiting for the holster to arrive so I can properly line up the mounting bolts & paint the handle/folding stock.
  12. Today's work I am taking my friend TK265's suggestion & adding studs to my mag & counter so they cannot be knocked off. So on lunch today I picked up some locating pins from ACE hardware. I added one to the counter (glued it into the blaster) & installed one in the mag with the option for a 2nd if the need arises (I glued this stud into the mag itself). While it may seem odd with the studs glued into opposite pieces there will be no way you could reverse the parts. I also decided while I was at it to put 2 pins on the blaster/folding stock. The reason I did that was so when I do the final assembly after painting, all I would have to do is glue it together & not worry about it moving on me. The other thing I did was work on the handle for the folding stock. I used one of the pins I purchased and drilled out the receiving piece & the handle then pushed it through. I was not able to get it to fold out straight, but it does fold down to where I can still use it. I do plan on keeping that pin the length it is so I can easily remove it should the need arise. I also added a magnet to the handle (via Apoxy sculpt) & folding stock to keep it from falling down when not in use.
  13. With today's blaster progress I managed to drill out the mag for lights, as well as, install magnets on the counter & mag. Mag held onto the barrel via magnets: Mag & counter mounted via the magnets, also added the 2 greebles to the mag: For the light you see I ordered these off eBay that are supposed to be taped to the bottom of a frisbee to play at night: As you can see all it is is 2 red LED's welded together with a cr2032 battery between them.
  14. Did a bit more work last night & this afternoon. I glued the 2 barrel pieces together & covered the seam with apoxy sculpt. Today I glued on the t-tracks to the barrel & 2 small greebles to the folding stock. Hopefully sometime this week I will receive the red LED lights for the magazine so I can drill it out for the light & magnets
  15. Almost forgot, here is how the light looks in the folding stock: I did have to add a piece of tape on the light to tighten up the flashlight in the hole I drilled so it would not fall out.
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