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Posts posted by Murray1134

  1. I love them all, prequels, SE and all.


    But, if I had to put them in order...


    - A New Hope - I really gained a new respect for this movie during my TK build, I must've watched it 4 or 5 times a day. It really is the best, it's where everything started.


    - Empire Strikes Back - Do I really have to give an explanation?


    - Revenge of the Sith - A little slow in the beginning, but the 2nd half of the movie is really good. Order 66, Obi-wan v. Anakin, the birth of Vader, lots of good stuff there.


    - Attack of the Clones - Great action, and I think I'm one of the few people who actually liked the love story.


    - Return of the Jedi - My least favorite of the OT, and it's not because of the Ewoks.


    - Phantom Menace - There is a lot to like here, but the movie really needs to be re-edited. Lose about 10 minutes of the movie, really tighten up and I think the movie would be 1000x better.

  2. The helmet to the right (front view) looks suspiciously FX-ish.


    Looks a little Rubies-esque to me. Definitely not a screen used.


    There's a thread on here somewhere with people who have done "realistic" mods to the inside of the bucket. In an attempt to match those pictures.

  3. I got my TK approved in 2008, before it was even finished I was already scouring the TB boards, the Clone boards, the TIE boards looking for my next project. It really is a sickness. I think I have finally settled on a ROTS Obi-wan, that I would like to have before this summer for Celebration 5. If funds and time permit, I would like to follow that up with a TD.

  4. I'm a Trek fan, although Voyager pretty much killed it for me. It actually took the latest movie and Enterprise on Netflix to get me back in.


    I think Star Wars and Star Trek can coexist happily. Heck, even R2-D2 showed up in the new movie.

  5. Not to be a bastard, but who in God's name picked "unmodified Hasbro"? :lol::huh:


    That would be me :(


    It works for trooping right now. What I really want is a hyperfirm, but finances are not there for it yet. Sadly, the blaster is what is holding me back from applying for EIB status right now. I don't really like the modified Hasbro, it bugs me that the sizing is wrong on it.

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